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News Current Production Rehearsal Schedule Stage Crew Drama Class

The Weston Middle School Drama Club Presents

February 8, at 7:00
February 9, at 3:00
February 10 at 2:00 and 7:00 pm

Winter 2007
Check out pictures from the production.


(In NO approximate order)

ROSE ALVAREZ – Molly Dillaway
HELEN – Laurel Kulow
NANCY – Kate Linde
ALICE – May Liu
DEBORAH SUE – Jessie Campo
MARGIE – Liza Greenberg
PHYLLIS – Athina Kalemos
KARL – Tyler Pesek
FRED – Philip Kretschmer
LEE – Ricky Delgado
LENNY – Peter Lichtenthal
HARVEY JOHNSON – Reid Gildbard
PENELOPE – Lizzie Buchanan
SUZIE – Sarah Frank
BOYS IN ‘TELEPHONE HOUR’ (in addition to KARL, FRED, LEE) – Marquis Caesar, Nate Burke, Geoffrey Binney
URSULA MERKLE – Irene Droney, Kimmie Remis
KIM MACAFEE – Molly Reid
MRS. DORIS MACAFEE – Diana Flanagan
MR. HARRY MACAFEE – Lee Condakes
NYC TEEN GROUP / SAD GIRLS – Hayden Boch, Lucy Hastings, Melissa Hill, Julia Kee, Tara Kulas, Meghan Racklin
MRS. MAE PETERSON – Rachel Regent
POLICEMAN – Tyler Pesek
CONRAD BIRDIE – Peter Birren
FIRST REPORTER – Katelyn Engler
TRAINMAN – Sarah Waxman
HUGO PEABODY – Doug Greenberg
MAYOR – Philip Kretschmer
MAYOR’S WIFE – Erica Kwiatkowski
MRS. MERKLE – Meghan Harwood
MR. JOHNSON – Perry Von Rosenvinge
GLORIA PASPUTIN – Francesca Howe
ED SULLIVAN / GUITAR MAN - Peter Lichtenthal
PARENTS – Lauren Avery, Morgan Lee Beams, Naomi Garlick, Grace McCurdy, Victoria Piccone, Maddie Pierce, Alexandra Rigobon, Charlie Saylor, Geoffrey Binney
DISHWASHER – Athina Kalemos
FIRST CUSTOMER – Liza Greenberg

PEOPLE OF SWEET APPLE, OHIO – Morgan Lee Beams, Geoffrey Binney, Peter Birren, Hayden Boch, Johan Bokhari, Julia Braginsky, Lizzie Buchanan, Nate Burke, Marquis Caesar, Jessie Campo, Catherine Cebulla, Lane Cohen, Lee Condakes, Mikayla Cramer, Ricky Delgado, Molly Dillaway, Irene Droney, Katelyn Engler, Odin Enzmann, Diana Flanagan, Sarah Frank, Kate Freedberg, Naomi Garlick, Reid Gilbard, Hannah Graves, Doug Greenberg, Liza Greenberg, Meghan Harwood, Lucy Hastings, Melissa Hill, Francesca Howe, Mariah Janos, Athina Kalemos, Julia Kee, Philip Kretschmer, Laurel Kulow, Tara Kulas, Erica Kwiatkowski, Kate Linde, Peter Lichtenthal, May Liu, Grace McCurdy, Lydia Moore, Jessica Ober, Katherine O’Connor, Halle O’Conor, Tyler Pesek, Victoria Piccone, Maddie Pierce, Oliver Pucker, Meghan Racklin, Rachel Regent, Molly Reid, Kimmie Remis, Alexandra Rigobon, Charlie Saylor, John Saylor, Perry Von Rosenvinge, Sarah Waxman, Jenna Weissman, Edom Wessenyeleh, and Rebecca Xie

(You'll notice I put all 65 of you under PEOPLE OF SWEET APPLE. It is a reminder that we are ALL players in the same drama troupe putting on this show together.)

Bye Bye Birdie tells the story of a rock and roll singer who is about to be inducted into the army. The singer, Conrad Birdie, modeled on Elvis Presley, has a pompadour and thick sideburns; he wears gaudy gold costumes and speaks in a rugged voice. Albert Peterson, his agent, is a very pleasant mild mannered young man. Albert's faithful secretary Rose Alvarez keeps him and Birdie moving forward in the world. Rosie concocts one final national publicity plan before Conrad's induction.

Conrad will bid a typical American teen-age girl goodbye with an all-American kiss on the Ed Sullivan Show. Kim MacAfee in Sweet Apple, Ohio wins the honor. All of the phones in her town are already busy during The Telephone Hour as Kim has just been pinned to local boy Hugo. The arrival of Birdie in Sweet Apple causes people of all ages to swoon. Birdie says that his success is due to the fact that he is Honestly Sincere when he sings, and the quiet little town goes into a spin.

Aidan O'Hara, Drama Teacher and Director, 781-529-8060, ext.6135,