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Below is sample information of how stage crew works. Look for updated information in September 2009

STAGE CREW FOR "Into The Woods"


Welcome to Set Crew! We play an important role in creating the magical world for theater here at Weston Middle School. We get to paint, build, design, dream, solve problems, invent, and order pizza on Saturdays. Set Crew involves a lot of teamwork and cooperation as well as a great deal of individual focus and ingenuity.

We are a team. I'll often assign projects for groups of students and their goal is to follow through and figure things out until the project is finished. We want our set to be as professional as possible and still be a product of the minds of our crew. Students who focus and cooperate well will be trusted to handle more projects.

Attendance is NOT required at all meetings. In fact, you are welcome to come for only several hours at a time, and bring friends. However, students who come often and show themselves to be responsible and helpful are eligible for "Running Crew", which is moving sets or helping during the show.


Fri --- Dec 7th --- 3-5pm
Fri --- Dec 14th --- 3-5pm
Thurs --- Dec 20th --- 3-5pm
Fri --- Jan 4th --- 3-5pm
Sat --- Jan 5th --- 9-3pm
Fri --- Jan 11th --- 3-5pm
Sat --- Jan 12th --- 9-3pm
Fri --- Jan 18th --- 3-5pm
Sat --- Jan 19th --- 9-3pm
Fri --- Feb 1st --- 3-5pm (rehearsals for running crew this week)
Sat --- Feb 2nd --- 9-3pm Last Day for Stage Crew
SHOW WEEK------- for Running Crew this week. See for dates.

Thanks for helping out! It takes a kind heart and a keen mind to do crew! Parent Volunteers We love parents to come help out on Saturdays!! Invite them to come along!! Parents are fun !! Thanks for helping out! It takes a kind heart and a keen mind to do crew!
Parent Volunteers We love parents to come help out on Saturdays!! Invite them to come along!! Parents are fun !!

Any questions, etc., please email our Set Designer/Technical director, Mr. Mills at

- - - Call 781-529-8060, ext. 6499 to learn about how to volunteer!

Aidan O'Hara, Drama Teacher and Director, 781-529-8060, ext.6135,