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A Page for Xanthe by daddy

About Dyspraxia

The Dysphraxia Foundation defines dyspraxia as 'an impairment or immaturity of the organisation of movement' and,and in many individuals, there may be associated problems with language,perception and thought.It is thought to affect upto 10% of the population in varying degrees.

some of the demonstrations of dyspraxia are listed below:

High levels of exitability, loud/shrill voice.

children are very easily distressed and prone to temper tantrums.

bumping into things and falling over.

difficulty pedalling a tricycle or similar toys.

no sense of danger.

prefer to eat with hands, and a high accident occurance rate of drink spilling.

difficulty in holding pencils and scissors.

prefer adult company.

limited concentration, tasks often left unfinished.

there are alot more symptoms for dyspraxia and Xan has had most problems that are listed above and on the dyspraxia handouts.

Home Page Photos About Dyspraxia A Little about Xans family