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A Page for Xanthe by daddy

This is a site for a very special child of mine, Xanthe. Xan is a very lively 9 year old and I just wanted to put her life on a webpage.

Xan has a severe learning and behaviour problem, which has been diagnosed as mainly having dyspraxia, and autism.

Xan was born on March 26th 1996, at Cambridgshires Hinchingbrook hospital, she was born early as a result of a problem during pregnancy which meant she hadnt been fed for about 5 weeks prior to her inducing. Despite this she weighed in at a massive 5 pounds 3 ounces.

We didnt suspect anything was up with her, till she started going to playgroups and playschool in the area and noticed most of the other children were way ahead of her in their progress.

Xan was nearly 18 months old when she first started to walk. She was also just under 4 when she was eventually toilet trained, and at 4 she still could hardly say anything apart from mum n dad.

After consultations with health visitors and child psychologists it was decided by cambridgshire council that xan would be best delayed a year starting school .... which was fine till we moved and the breckland council decided nope she was ready for school.

Now shes been at school for nearly 4 years I think it is mutually agreed that Cambridge were right in their thinking. Xan was virtually kicked out of her first school (drake infant school in thetford) but since she has been at Admirals middle school with a 1-1 helper in Mrs whinney and the other friendly staff like Mrs Petty, Xan has totaly changed as a person and is much more calmer (sometimes).

Xan has now been swimming for over a year, and has learnt to ride a bike, both activities for dyspraxic children are very hard to master. She has also, since September 04 been attending the local ju-jitsu center in a nearby village and has now achieved the white/black belt which is her 4th belt in just over a year, so shes doing well at that too.

This is a brief history of Xanthe and on the other pages I will be adding Photos and other bits about this very special child.

Home Page Photos About Dyspraxia A Little about Xans family

Some links to other websites

Soobees littlecherubs The Dyspraxia Foundation