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Yanagi-San, Valentine's Candy Version

Sept. 17 2003 -

Hiya everyone, I have decided that angelfire is just too painful to work with nowadays. So, I have moved all of my art gallery to You can view it there, and also, if you're a member, comment on each pic too. I will leave TnY up as it appears now, but new art updates will only appear at:
Hope to see you there. *grin* Thank you~! ^_^
Feb. 21 2003-

Hello! It's new layout time! ^_^ You like? It's the Ver. 1.2 Spring layout. Ooooh! Green...midori... I love the pic I used to make it! It's one of my favorites right now because it turned out so good!
In other news, the SoD Gallery will be moving (well, the Images page says it's already moved, but it's a "under construction, sorry!" page. ^^;) Also, the misc. and oekaki galleries have updated, so once again, a chibi-update.
Alright, that's all I have- ja ne! ^_^

This site is best viewed with the THIS font. |+++++++++++| scented // Green Tea & Mint Leaves


This site and all works contained within are ©2002 Melissa Prosser. All rights reserved, dammit!

The main page to the gallery
Drawings of characters that do not belong to me
All about the baka who runs the joint
Site info, copyright info, and all that jazz
Fine, leave, see if I care! *pout*