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Fine Cover Art/Curriculum!
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The CD Softcover 
Harmonious harmonias! are different harmonies, nonrepetitive and repetitive! Harmonias! are pulses of nonrepetitive runs of Harmonious Music!, as a slow, tranquil, pulse of quavers (eighth notes), crochets (quarter notes), minims (half notes), or semibreves (whole notes) of nonrepetitive intervals-chords-harmonies on Harp! ...the Harp Chords Secco and Arpeggio! ...or a soft, slow flow of nonrepetitive Harmony/Chords with acoustic Guitar! ...and the like! Harmonious harmonias in Simultaneity are completely different harmonies at the same time (with appropriate Distance/s of Octaves and Dynamic control of the Octaves, the Tones in Proportion, Temperament, and Tune!, which includes the near Perfect Standards of Pitch, and detunings!) Chord-against-Chord! Modulation! ...and all other Chord Motions! ...and Combinations Of Motions!