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A4 ` d r a w i n g s


They go as far as 6 years ago.

c l i c k t o e n l a r g e

Mixture of darkness enlight in the entertwinement of two dragons.

Ever wondered what lies beyond?

an embodyment of freedom through unity.

The same two lovely dragons.

A lil drawing called "moon dragon". I did this for a very good friend of mine.

so I evolved a bit and discovered two colors.

This is one of my personal favorites. Upon pondering on this image, one might learn something.

They said I couldn't do it. But I could. Yes, folks, it's a pink, fluffy dragon, the precise deffinition of CUTE.

it's an attempt at using a chinese waxed crayon a friend of mine gave to me.

They kicked me out of the graphic section at our ex-school magazine for this drawing. It was in my portfolio and a stiff teacher considered it to be porn. Can you believe these people?! Makes you wonder about aspects of their lives (or lack there-of)

I meant for these two to be siblings. Why does everybody else get the wrong impression - I've got no idea!

A request-drawing, for a friend's character.