See also:   [terms] (index of indexes)

                   [Literary Terms] 
                   [Art Films (film-terms)]
                   [Art Concepts]
                   [Art terms]
                   [Art Movements]
                   [Philosophy Concepts]

Compare with:  [Abreviation


Literally speaking, an acronym is just a fancy kind of abreviation, just wearing a different hat. For example, MADD is an acronym because it forms a word (in English, similar to the word "mad" (as in: angry, upset) ;) MADD "stands for" (that is it is the acryonym for the ABREVIATION m.a.d.d.) Mother's Against Drunk Driving. The notation is rather fuzzy here. And in the post-9.11 era, that is sure to beome a bone of contention among the various religous groups -- some adhereing to the work of Noah Webster (aka "Webster's Dictionary"). While others clinging fanatically to the "American Heritage Dictionary", others (slightly less fanatical, I would hope) to the "Larouse". Myself, I prefer the Century Dictionary, as did my estemed satirist, James Turber But, alas; I: digress. So, wheter you write your acronyms M.A.D.D. or MADD is entirely up to you. But. To quote a fav title of a fav book of mine: Anyone who would letter-space loser case, would steal sheep. The title of the book is: "Stop stealing sheep, and learn about type". I thank you for your attention. -- Pizo.