See also:   [Literary Terms] 
            [Q.E.D. (Quantum Electro Dynamics)] (Feynman, et al)


Latin abreviation for "Quod erat demonstratum", in the King's English: Thus it has been shown. That is, you've finished your "proof". This is used a bit in maths in proving theorems, and by ostentacious people who think that "reasoning" such as this: All power originates from God, George Bush is president, therefore his power is exercised with the assent of God. So, by killing the abortion doctors, i am simply carrying out God's divine plan. Q.E.D. In this case, Q.E.D. stands for Quite Egregious Deitification. (ie, using the old "god is all powerful, so anything done in his name would be *stopped* if HE didn't want it done" "logic".