[Back to FLEEDING main page] [S/D main page]Project 2
MARCH 21 The following tasks should be achieved by the end of the class: - Choosing a section of the movie of duration between 5 and 10 minutes. - Editing this section out of the movie file. - Naming this sequence. - Explaining the location of this section in the movie and its function. - Analyzing this section - Answering the following questions: What is happening? What has happened before? What will happen next? How is the global rhythm of the scene build? How many shots in the scene? What are the lengths of these shots? How does it start? How does it end? What are the different spaces and locations presented in this scene? Who are the characters present in the scene? What is the diegetic duration of the scene? What is the relation between the diegetic duration and the real duration? Is it longer, equal or shorter? (The diegetic duration is the represented duration. A scene can last 5minutes and these 5 minutes can represent 1 minute or 10 hours…) Is this relation constant? What is the point of view over this scene? Is it that of one of the character? Is it that of an imaginary viewer who can see everything? Is the viewer inside the scene or outside the scene? - Describing your project What aspects of the scene do you want the sound track to emphasize? What general feeling do you want to inspire with the sounds and music? The following tasks should be prepared for the next class: Finding a first of several pieces of music to accompany the sequence. Writing a text that should accompany the sequence. Describing precisely the intention of the project. The atmosphere. The effects. The feelings. MARCH 28 The following tasks should be achieved by the end of the class: Questions What are the sounds coming from the space inside the frame? What are the sounds coming from the space outside the frame? What are the sounds coming from a different space and time? For each visual unit: What sounds are limited in duration to the visual unit? What sounds overlap the duration of the visual unit? What sounds are carrying memory from the previous scenes? What sounds anticipate the coming scenes? What kind of music should be heard? What would be the relation between music and the image? Should it follow or accompany the image? Actions Editing the chosen pieces of music and adding them to the sequence. Listening and commenting the result. Recording a draft version of the voices. Editing them and adding theme to the sequence. Describing precisely the kind of voice needed. The following tasks should be prepared for the next class: Making a detailed list of all the needed sounds. This list should include: the names of the sounds and their description. The names given to the sounds in this list should be names used to identify the resulting files. Modifying the texts. Finding a second set of pieces of music. APRIL 04 The following tasks should be achieved by the end of the class: Describing precisely the sounds from the list. Making sure that the chosen team to perform the sounds clearly understand your needs and requirements. Editing the pieces of music and adding them to the sequence. Comparing. Choosing. The following tasks should be prepared for the next class: Creating and preparing the sounds. APRIL 11 The following tasks should be achieved by the end of the class: Listening to the sounds. Analyzing them. Editing and trying processes and so to make the sounds fit to the sequence. Putting the sounds “in place”. Listening to the sounds with the chosen music. Analyzing. Preparing a second list of the sounds to be modified. Explaining the required modifications. The following tasks should be prepared for the next class: Modifying the sounds. Recording the voices. APRIL 18 The following tasks should be achieved by the end of the class: Editing and processing the sounds. Editing the music. Editing the voices. Synchronizing the sounds and voices to the sequence. The following tasks should be prepared for the next class: APRIL 24 The following tasks should be achieved by the end of the class: Mixing the final version of the project and exporting the result as a QuickTime file.