See also:  [(art) Concepts]
                  [Philosophical Concepts]
                  [Maths (the representation problem)]
                  [Programming]  [Information]

                  [Time Line] (inter-galactic idea conveyor)


basic ideas computation: The actual process of calculation, programming: A set of steps to achieve a result (or not) Concept of algorithmic and heuristic computation Concept of non-time computation concept of information look up Information Representation consequences of Goedel numbers in finite universe

Finite Computation

Fixed point[ computation necessarily entails a finite process for addition, subtraction, and multiplication. In the case of division, computation can beome infinite. (In a sense, every division problem *is* infinite, in that we can continue, even if the remainder is zero.

Semi-Infinite Computation

coding representations & Borges' Library of babel "" "" "" -- infinite library

The Black Hole Super Computer

Infinite Computation

In theory (or actually, *by* theory) a system of infinite computation can be created in a mathematical world. Such systems would be in effect cabable of solving any finnite problem in zero time; infinite problesm would take "slight longer" (with a tip of the towel to
Douglas Adams) <