The Daily List
On this page: {Eco/Quantum Thinking}
|| {The Arts}
|| {Absurdism}
|| {Teaching}
|| {New Media}
|| {Oh, Deese!} - (best of weirdnesses)
|| {Techies}
42 Think, Q/R, Q/T, etc
-[DNA Forum]-
-[Teh Drunken Boart]- (poets, artists, and other dangers to tyranny!)
-[]- Dr. Michael Cohen's "Eco Psychology" project,
(in association with the United Nations' renewable resources projects)
-[]- (interesting literary, blogs, etc)
-[Nerds]- (rule us all +5)
Arts, Teaching, etc
In this section also, below: musika...
(Note: Absurdism, follows this next sub-section...)
-[eeep eeep (flap falp frumph .. and another one bites the dust; but....]- (all one word)
-[Nerds]- (rule us all +5)
POC: Anne Metrailler (
-[asel art supply; Fort Worth]-
Results. Asel Art Supply Incorporated (817) 335-8168 3204 Camp Bowie Blvd , Fort Worth , TX Get Directions
Musika euro bands
All things: Absurdist
no contact since: ~2006
v. interesting sites, worth a "8-second" look - a *very* slight pun was
intended; ie, "give it a second look"
(as in *another*), and then of course
those tiny fractions of our lives that just seem to drift by (except
when under-going dental work; see the film/dvd: "Trekies"
about the super hoopy dentists who have decorrated (decked out)
their shop via ALL THINGS SF (mainly trek) to "transport
you away from where you are - or don't want to think about...
-[Kairos - News]-
-[Accedemic Commons]-
-[MindSay and etc - loonies]-
-[My bloggin's arrggh! me hardies!! (erip!, erroo!)]-
-[The New Absurdist Forum]-
And PolyCarp's "absurdist forum"
-[ ]-
New Media}
New Media
-[Kairos - News]-
-[Accedemic Commons]-
-[Hot Chalk - O/L teachers stuff]-
-[HTTP: MeFedia.Com]-
-[HTTP: FreeVlog.Org]-
-[HTTP: Blip.TV]- ** PG-13: LV etc **
(mainly VID ad's eg, "Heather")
-[Rude Guerrilla Theatre]-
Oh, Deese!
(best of weirdnesses)
*****! -[Experiments w/Menos and Diet Coke!]-
(sort of like "walkies!")
What's happeing e-world-wide??? Keep up with Om and Joyce!
-[The GigaOm SHow w/ Om & Joyce !!]-
(this is not just 5 stars, it's what the HIPPY DREAM OF THE WORLD WIDE WEB ***is***)
Give us 20 minutes, and we'll give you the web!!!
jobss: jobs AT revision3 DOT com
(tips 3 towels to the team and all the fine folks there!)
More spin offs....
** C N E T ***
-[The Daily DownLoad (CNET forum)]-
Widgetbox's (blandly named) App Accelerator is
a step-by-step guide and tool for creating
Facebook apps from Widgetbox widgets. Yet it
shrewdly connects the community developers of
Widgetbox's widget marketplace (this could be
you) with Facebook's burgeoning user community.
Talk about viral marketing.
- Posted in The Daily Download by Jessica Dolcourt
-[new tv (aks HTTP:]-
sort of like the hyper-space multi-portal thingie on Magrathea
The Absurdist Collective