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Gerald`s Photo Fixit Shop<FONT><B></b></I></FONT>
Gerald`s Photo Fixit Shop

Welcome to Gerald`s Photo Fixit Shop.

Do you have an old picture of someone dear to you that has seen better days?
Or maybe you have a picture with someone in it that you wish wasn`t?
Perhaps cousin Joe ruined a picture by clowning around like always.
Well, I have a Solution for these problems.
Just like the pictures below,I can fix your pictures.

                 Jason_and_family.jpg - 39141 Bytes
In the picture on the left, the client
wanted the people in the background
of this photo removed in order to use
this photo in a project they were working on.

As you can see, the photo looks better without background objects pulling your focus away from the young family.

Jason_Erania_and_Children.jpg - 29566 Bytes                 
                  Martha_sGranny_orig.1.1.jpg - 122451 Bytes               
This picture had cracks through to the paper,
was stained, and Some one had cut the picture
to fit into a photo album.
If you notice, who ever cut it took off some
of the young lady`s hair.

I added Hair and Background as well as repairing
the flaws in the picture.
Martha_s_granny_2.3.JPG - 103288 Bytes                

                Rick_locklears_folks.jpg - 119472 Bytes
Here we have an old faded
picture that a freind of mine wanted restored for a lady that was the baby in this picture.
Rick_locklears_folks3.jpg - 133557 Bytes                   

What I`ve Done for these people, I can do for you as well.
So, if you have an old photo of a loved one
or a new one that you need FIXED, I hope you`ll allow me to help you.

Price List