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State of the Union, 2006 (All photos by (c)Lani Russell Lewter. May not be duplicated without written permission) Here are a few views of the United States House of Representatives chamber where the president of the United States when invited by the U.S. Congress gives his State of the Union address to the nation. Lani Russell Lewter has been photographing the SOTU for several years covering both the current president George W.Bush and former president William J. Clinton. In 1999, Lani Russell Lewter gave 200 4x6 photographs to NNPA, a Black organization comprised of approximately 200 Black periodicals around the country as that organization had no SOTU coverage within the House chamber. Approximately 25 photographers from around the world are given permission, the privilege to shoot inside the House Chamber during the President's address. Yet,Lani Russell Lewter though one of those privileged few has been unable to convince the Black press of the value of the historic images captured which are no less historic than that of the portrait that hangs on the House side of the Capitol of the first African American to serve in the United States Congress during the Reconstruction. Surprisingly, not one Black publication responded to an email sent more than two weeks prior to the SOTU advising editors and publishers that Lani Russell Lewter would be one of the 25 photographers from around the world to shoot inside the House Chamber during the president's speech. Further, the email was clear that efforts to photograph members and friends of the Congressional Black Caucus would be made. Lani Russell Lewter has a unique blend of experience, having traveled with President Bill Clinton to Africa, with United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan and his wife, Nane to Africa as well as with the United Nations Security Council to Africa. It appears that she is the first and only individual in history with that distinction. The travel to and in Africa is never easy and never cheap or never free. African American press which had much to gain from the unique and pioneer on site UN, White House, Capitol Hill and Afria coverage Lani Russell Lewter offers did not support any of those international efforts or any other international coverage. Ms. Russell Lewter served as the official United States Photographer for the visit of Presdient George W. Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powerll for the 58th United Nations General Assembly. The female photographer, a grandmother of two, is a domestic violence survivor and at a time when many her age are retiring. she is starting from scratch after a bad divorce and a disabling injury. Never one to give up or lose faith, she holds down a low level clerical job and fights eviction from her home. It has been a struggle she says, but things are getting better. Now that her physical health is restored, she is ready to get back to her photography mission to bring her work to the attention young Americans, particularly Black youth. "Young Americans need to see there is life beyond their blocks, and neighborhoods and to see they are a part of something far larger, a global community. According to the international photographer, "the survival and success of young Americans depend upon their ability to read, write, speak and cross national borders either real or virtual. My work only gives them glimpses of what it is outside the hood,be it Black or otherwise." Lani Russell Lewter work is available for sale. Sponsors for educational photo exhibits are needed. Photographs of Congressional Black Caucus members and friends are available for sale. Patronage is urgently needed. Please contact Mme. Photographer at