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      . . . So here's the story . . .

      The ol' lady decides she's gonna make a web page.
      And she wants to include me.
      Why not . . . keeps her busy while I'm out fishin'.

      Yeah Right!

      HER: "What kind of boat do you have?"
      ME: "It's a CrisCraft"
      HER: "Just CrisCraft?"
      ME: "Ummmmm . . . it's a Corsair"
      HER: "You mean like the car?"
      ME: "w h a t e v e r?"
      HER: "That all?"
      ME: "No, it's a 15 footer. It has a 1966 80hp Johnson"
      HER: "ooooo"


      That's been the start of this page for over three years now, but the truth is, I don't have that motor anymore. I have a 70 hp Chrysler now.
      We'll just leave that beginning there for old times sake though.

      So here's a little about me.

      I was raised in a small-town Ohio.
      The town itself is called Perrysville and the main industry in Perrysville is making toilets. Don't laugh . . . where would you be without yours . . .
      There is also a comic book factory. Nearby Loudonville is a hot spot for canoeing in Ohio. We lived in a 100 year old farm house on 500 acres, with a 10 acre lake. See I was raised to do this!

      lake image

      Want to know a harsh reality though? My parents spend their winters in Florida. . . and I've never been there!!! Some of the best fishin' in the country, and they don't even fish!

      Click for Waco, Texas Forecast

      I usually fish Lake Waco since it's just a few minutes from home.

      boat trip

      I sometimes fish Tradinghouse Reservior, which is a powerplant lake and also nearby. Lake Whitney is great, but you don't want to be caught out on the lake when the wind kicks up. We also have the Brazos & Bosque Rivers, but I'm not that into river fishing. Too Many Garfish!!! You ain't lived 'til you catch a gar. They put up a hell of a fight!


      I usually have my youngest son along when I'm out.

      boating bears

      measuring tape

      I spent about 15 years building custom cabinets for homes and the past 7 years building aircraft cabinets.

      It's been pretty awesome working on these big jets!


      I have an older brother living here in Waco, plus I have two sisters & one brother living in Ohio. Our dad is a retired steel worker and he a cancer survivor. Our mother is a semi-retired cook who loves quilting
      They "summer" in Ohio, and "winter" in Florida. Every now & then they make a pit-stop in Waco.

      little hotrod big boltlittle hotrod

      Most of my life has been spent repairing one thing or another. I finished changing out a motor just in time for my wedding, and was working on another car during the reception! At the time we were married I worked as a small engine mechanic. After our second son was born, I started doing woodwork.

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      Lake image in memory of Lady Oh

      tranqil lake

      The fish are calling . . .


      Copyright © Rhonda Williams