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Name and Address:

Dr. Sankarampadi ARAVAMUDHAN  
Department of Chemistry, North Eastern Hill University, SHILLONG 793022, Meghalaya, INDIA
Qtr L-46 PO NEHU Campus Mawkynroh Umshing East Khasi Hills District, SHILLONG 793022 Meghalaya, India
SHILLONG, Meghalaya  793022

Telephone: +91 (0) 364 272 2624  
         Fax: +91 (0) 364 255 0076

This Resume has been posted at  which can be viewed by Employers
Resume ID: 28555561   Resume Headline: Resume_Dr.S.Aravamudhan; Magnetic Resonance/Teaching and Research  


Having acquired a recognizable experience in the Magnetic Resonance Technique-the phenomena which has the capability to adapt advanced Informational Technological TOOLS for the effective spectral analysis and applications in several topics in Physics and Chemistry-it is found necessary to set out teaching of these contents at as much an early curriculum as it becomes expedient than what is possible at present. This requires going through a kind of learning cycle to comprehend what and how the students can grasp this subject matter and which part of the topic is elusive to average students. Hence the purpose of this documentation could be to seek requisition from those institutions as to their requirement on Magnetic Resonance in particular and in this perspective the teaching of Physical sciences in General.
Besides these, this particular contact can be made use of for a presence in a place where advanced Magnetic resonance facilities are available for mutual advantage.
The particulars at Monsterindia are elaboration to the essential enumerations at the following webpage url as curriculum Vitae and
List of Contributions/Publications


4/1985 - 11/2006        North Eastern Hill University, SHILLONG    East Khasi Hills District, Shillong,793022,MEGHALAYA, INDIA

Sr. Lecturer, Department of Chemistry

Mainly Teaching And Research at POST GRADUATE Level
Teaching Experience covers all the aspects in Physical Chemistry
Research Experience has been in the Specialisation : MAGNETIC RESONANCE
In addition has been associated with the Regional Sophisticated Instrumentation Facility,NEHU- Shillong:Bijni-Campus ever since the Installation(11 years by 2005) of the FT NMR( Bruker ACF-300) Spectrometer in trying to monitor the functioning and for the maintenance requirements. Has been Resource Person in Several of the DST Sponsored Workshops on Spectroscopy/in particular the CW/Pulsed NMR Techniques. These workshops were annual features or even twice in an academic year till 1999.
Experiences as Voluntary activist in the Centre for Science Education at NEHU include representing CSE,NEHU at the Meetings/National Workshops of NSTC, Department of Science and Technology for about three years. These Activities further included contributing at the State Level Workshops and Science Popularisation/Awareness Programmes, Science Exhibitions etc., at the initiatives of State council for Science,Technology and Environment, Meghalaya and other states in the North Eastern region of INDIA. Perspectives in Scool Education and curriculum development concerns are the dominating themes emphasized while seeking to participate/contribute in such programmes and activities.
These activities have also resulted in a requirement to be contributing in the National Seminars and Symposia Organised by The North Eastern Council for Social Science Research thus contributing and presenting Papers pertaining to Education/Literacy aspects focussing on the Science Education for Environmental Awareness in Developing regions. Currently a project in the Center for Bioinformatics has been initiated for the use NMR technique for the Chemistry and conservation of medicinal plants in the North Eastern India.
A CSIR Research Scheme implemented during 01/01/2001-31/12/2004 has been described at the Webpage URL:
An INNOVATIVE PROGRAMME of the UGC is being given a trial at the North Eastern Hill University; the outcome of such initiative is being found only to be qualitative and this seems to be a necessary prerequisite before trying to claim to be effective in quantitative perspectives. CLICK on Link below:
Writing of an elementary introductory article on "NMR as a Tool for Structure Determination" could be accomplished. CLICK on link below for particulars
A typical course content could be drafted out as a measure towards activities for quantitative improvements. And this has been made available for viewing at a webpage which by itself is innovative in making use of the Information Technology tools to facilitate better acces and populariisation of activities:
Trying to bring forth the advantages of NMR technique to researchers who may still not be within the grip of the sweeping popularity that this technique has gained for the potential applications in a wide variety of subjects is also a standpoint which has to be taken note of:
Look up the Web page for a description with URL;
Most of the above activities and the corresponding contributions can be found documented in the WebPages built by this author and enlisted below:
Further particulars can be Obtained from the Web Sites :

A documenation is availble on the internet which has to do with the Evaluation of a on-line Chemical Structure/Spectra Search Tool.

A website on the use of the tools of Information Technology in Class-room teaching is:
The following website is an INDEX to other websites of this Author:

7/1982 - 6/1983 Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur          Kanpur 208016 Uttar Pradesh INDIA

Research Associate CHEMISTRY

A Research ASSOCIATE Fellowship to work on the MULTIPLE PULSE NQR- line narrowing Aspects.

Certain Basic Aspects which were the cause for seeking such an assignments could not be accomplished within those time frame due to the prevailing constraints at that time but the efforts could be continued and only recently during the years from 2000 onwards a manuscript could be turned out on Spin-Precession descriptions for NQR Phenomena and a first draft has been reviewed by the Science Education Journal
Entitled "CONCEPTS IN MAGNETIC RESONANCE". The outline for the 2nd Draft could be worked out and the manuscript and after the 2nd Review by CMR the matter requires further reviewing.

7/1979 - 6/1980 National Chemical Laboratory, PUNE                   PUNE,Maharashtra,411008,India


The main task was to set the Bruker 90MHz(proton frequency) FT NMR Spectrometer in such a condition as would be favorable for use routinely for obtaining NMR Spectra. This task was accomplished in less than an year, for which the spectrometer components, of the few units of tne console have to be looked into in greatest possible detail to set the things on the rail durably. besides that duration, the construction of an indigenous ESR spectrometer was a commendable effort by the NCL Staff, and finally assistance had to be the given for obtaining the ESR signal in the otherwise electronically well assembled unit. Participation by giving lectures and talks on topics which the NCL scientists require has been an on-going annual feature.

5/1975 - 9/1977 Max-planck Institute for Medical Research                            Heidelberg, Germany

Max-planck Fellowship for Post Doctoral Research

This was a very useful period when experience of the front-line research could be available on the Pulsed NMR on Solid samples. High Resolution Proton MMR Studies could result in interpretation which could have a breakthrough in what was till then a not-well-understood experimental results.
Since then the effort had been continued to fully exploit the out-comes of those results to a much greater extent than simply getting the breakthrough at that time. These results find now an appeal in international gathering of scientists.
A presentation on this subject matter at the National Symposium "CMDays'04" held in INDIA could result also in a publication in a refereed International Journal "Indian Journal of Physics" Vol. 79(9), p985-989 (2005) on which the referee's impression was that there was a point being made in the paper which is of fundamental significance to material scientists.
Those experiences on HR PMR measurements include sophisticated instrumentation with still developing NMR systems.
Besides experiences at Heidelberg, the experiences at the ATOM and SOLID STATE Physics Institute ,free university, Berlin include experiments on organic molecular triplet state to produce optical nuclear polarizations. And study these polarizations by pulsed NMR techniques.


The present research interests,tasks undertaken and comprehensive documenation of acdemic activities are availble at the following websites:

About a week was spent on working with the Evaluation package of Chemical Structure search tools and Spectra search tools for purpose of procuring if possible. this was again a very useful effort with the on-line database handling:
Invited to participate in the Teaching program of Assam University,Silchar to teach the M.Sc., Chemistry Courses on Optical Spectroscopy and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.Twice taught this course at Assam University each time, during an academic year it required three weeks participation.
Twice visited Banaras Hindu University,VARANASI on the invitation of the Head of the Department of Chemistry for expert technical advice on their Bruker ESR/ENDOR Spectrometer System. Three days visit to Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,Spectroscopy Division prior to visiting BHU,provided similar experiences with their ESR/ENDOR Systems. In this context it may be worthwhile to view a WebPage by  CLICKING HERE  from which the experiences with NMR/ESR double resonance systems
Most recent research results are posted at the Website: URL;
The following URL has selcted 8 Webpages as displayable in the same window in a FRAMED window page
The Following webpages contain the list of other webpages of this Author;
Further Updates at: