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Enervation — Profile

Name:  Stephanie

Location:  San Antonio, Texas
Birthday:  1 February, 1988
Bio:  I'm a tomboy. More into sports than going to the mall. I like basketball. I used to play during the summer until I started PREP which is a Prefreshman Engineering Program. I am in my third year of PREP and will graduate this summer (2005). I love to hang out with all of my friends. One of my favorite subjects is art. I love to draw and took Art all three years of middle school and my sophomore year of high school. I enjoy all art, but unfortunately I have no more room in my schedule for an art class. I am interested in the health field and do clinical rotations at NCBH. I'm in a Chinese cultural group known as the San Antonio Lion Dance Association (SALDA). I perform the Lion Dance, Fan Dance, Plate Dance, and the Practice Cultural Dance. I'm in several extra-curricular activities in my school and i'm in the top 5%. I'm not a very smart person and lack common knowledge. I hope to get into UT Austin. I'm an indecisive person, so I'm really not sure about any of this. My favorite number is three.
Interests:  I think I pretty much said it in my Bio...
Blog Created:  Sunday, 3 July 2005
Last Updated:  Sunday, 3 July 2005 - 8:06 PM
Blog Entries:  1

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