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me and my life
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Mood:  d'oh
well today rose picked me up and i went to the mall with rosemary, it was her birthday today so that was cool, i got some new perfume, and body spray along with, a shirt, but i didnt have very much money to begin with because i couldnt get to my bank acount because it was closed at the time so i only had a little bit of money, anyways i got home and now i have to practice for my road test tommarrow and i wish there was some how i could practice for the cone test because im really nervous, about it,

well thats about all for now

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 12:01 AM EDT
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
not much!!
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: smile!!
well today i did pretty much nothing, i cleaned the house and all that good stuff, then out of the blue, adam called me and was like hi, whats up, i guess he had been at his aunts the whole time and he just never told anyone he was there, so his parents never knew where was, either did anyone else, but his aunt, god i was so upset, that he didnt tell anyone and got every one all worried well yeah he's at work right now, but he said he might come over and say hi, and stay a little while. yeah i talked today to seth again only this time on the phone, lol. it was fun, and logan had wrote me an e-mail, i havent talked to him in a long time, but he wrote me about adam, and i wrote him back tellin him every thing was going to be ok,and tomarrow is rosemarys birthday, so i'll probly be going shoppin with her at the mall tomarrow, which will be fun,

anyways thats all for now

well thats all for now!!

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 4:52 PM EDT
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Friday, July 8, 2005
well well now!!
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: lol
well today i woke up, but instead of just wakin up and getting out of bed and going though all the norms, i woke up and found rosemary one of my firends sitting on my bed looking at me very wierdly, and hell i thought i was dreaming but, no i wasnt!! she was really there just looking at me, and i was "what the hell, where did you come frome" she was like " hahahaha, yeah after your parents went to work i just came into your house and sat on your bed i was about to wake you up but you woke up anyways, yeah so get up!! lets go on a bike ride!!" and i was still like thinkin to my self what the fuck is going on here, but even though it was like 11:30 and i was still really tired i got up, and then we went on a bike ride, and she gave me an early birthday present, and then i got home and had to turn right back around and head into town because i had to go to my brothers base ball game!! it was there last game, but they lost, yeah o well, i talked to seth today, that was interesting, lol. but i mean he's a nice,and funny guy so that's all good,

well thats all for now!!

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 12:01 AM EDT
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: omg
well today was boring, i found out that i couldnt got to arcadia until like the 16th and 17th, and thats when raqule invited me to her car wash!! pluse i cant go to my sisters untill august!! but i'll be on vacation in august!!! anyways today i when on a long ass bike ride lookin for adam because he never showed up at his home last night and no one knew where he was, so i went lookin for him, and still didnt find him!! i along with his parents have no idea where he is, its so scary, and im really worried about him!!!

well thats all for now

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 9:54 PM EDT
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
long time
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: lol
well to start off, on the 4th the fireworks were canceled, and me, adam, and jeff just hung out, i tried to find bob at the beach on monday but i couldnt find him anywhere!! well then the fireworks were resecadualed for the 5th! so the next day i was suppose to ride with rose but i didnt because fireworks were on the 5th and so instead me, adam, and jeff got troped off at walmart for a couple of hours and waited around there for my mom, then we went to the fireworks display, they were so beatiful, truly they were!! i had fun yesterday, but also on the 4th my computer's modem broke beacuse it got shocked by lighting, so i didnt get to write a entry for a couple of days but i just got it fixed today so im up and running lol,

well i got to go

thats all for now

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 4:53 PM EDT
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Monday, July 4, 2005
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: well.......
omg! ok first off yesterday was fun, it was a blast!! i had really fun at britteny's birthday party! and she was so surprised i mean she had no idea, this would be happening!! anyways today we ( as in me, my mom, and brother ) were suppose to leave a 7:00am to go to the beach, spend all day there, then stay for the fireworks display latter that night!! well to my surprise when i woke up at 6:20am it was raining, thundering, plus lighting!! and then me and mom watched the news to see if it would last all day!! and its suppose to last all the way untill the later afternoon like arround 5:00 0r something, and so not only will i not be able to go to the beach to day and have a fun time that way but i might not be able to watch any fireworks this year depending on the weather!! omg, im so angry, i mean for god's sake its the 4th, i should be seeing fireworks and haveing a good ol' time!! not being stuck at home doing nothing, but sitting around on my ass all day, waiting for the rain to supside!!!!

well thats all for now
got to go

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 8:08 AM EDT
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
He's coming Back!! and leaving
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: ummm
well today adam is coming back, not sure what time but he's been gone for like a week and a hafl, and i havent seen him in a while so im exicted about seeing him today again!! then again at the same time bob is leaving, he's going to arcadia or how ever you spell it, but he'll be back tomarrow, he says that he may not be able to go the fireworks show :( unless he rides his bike, yeah and tomarrow im going to brittenys surprise birthday party, im getting picked up around 1:00 pm, so yeah that will be funn!! and then on monday 4th of july im going to the beach, and going to spend the whole day there, then im staying latter at night to see the fireworks showcase, which will be fun as well, the only problem is that my dad doesnt want to go with us, him and my mom have been haveing some issues, but says he wont go just because she's going and that he don't want to see the fireworks display, he says it would be to much work staying at the beach the whole day and night! To much work! come on, are you kidding me, all you do at the beach is relaxe and have fun!! any way all he is doing is making up exuses so he dont have to go, i mean if he wont take part in a family outing just because mom is there, he mis well go for his kidds, but no he's going to stay home, and do what ever.

well thats all for now

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 4:30 PM EDT
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Friday, July 1, 2005
Mood:  not sure
yeah today i woke up at 12:00pm lol, and then i when with my friend rosemary on a 20 mile bike trip. i love biking. i wish we had it as a sport in our school or something like that, anyway thats really all for now

well thats all for now!

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 10:09 PM EDT
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
Not much
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: _-yah-_
well i just got done talkin to raquel and shes, goin to be going up with me to the u.p. in august, well i think anthony is too, but whats so cool about it this time is the fact that i'll have my licences i cant wait to get it lol, it'll be so much fun,

anyway thats all for now

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 1:08 PM EDT
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
new change in plans
well theres a new change in plans, now my parents and brother just got back from my brothers base ball game and my mom told me that the party was changed from tomarrow to sunday right before the 4th of july so im going to be going and going all this weekend lol, and i guess it was changed because of the fact that here mom had a cort hiring tomarrow,

well thats all for know

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 8:51 PM EDT
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Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: well
well tomarrow is my friend Britteny's birthday party, actally its a surprise party because she doesnt know about it, but anyways. i got her a present and made her a litte card, and all that good stuff. then after her b-day, by the way shes turning 16, any way after her b-day is 4th of july, im going to the beach to watch the fireworks display held on every year

well thats all for know

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 8:38 PM EDT
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: --bord--
well its 12:34 and i cant get to sleep so im talkin to Rodney and watchin david lettermans show on channel 9. yeah i dont have much to talk about but i keep thinkin about what's going to happen when i get my license. im going in for my road test on monday the 11th of july. i hope to god that i pass it. then i'll get my license july 25th, one day after my birthday. then i'll have to worrie about gettin a job. yeah o well.

thats all for now

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 12:40 AM EDT
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Monday, June 27, 2005
the beach
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: ahhh
well today i woke up around 12:00 and it was really hot. like 97 degrees. so i asked my mom , sence it was her day off. if we could go to the beach. and she said yes. so i when to the beach, relaxed, and had fun. then we when straight from the beach to my brothers base ball game. it was so hot it was almost uncomfortable. o well! anyways my brothers team won. they had 10 and the other team had 6. but the team gained points the last two endings of the game. other wise it would have been 10 to 0.

well thats all for now

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 9:22 PM EDT
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
me, sara, and al
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: -video- bmx
Topic: BMX
yeah i was lookin at some more of my vids and i came across another video. its when me sara and al all went out to do some bike tricks so pretty much, al decided he was going to do a bunny hop over me. and he did. i even got the clip to prove it well thats all for nowMy Video

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 7:56 PM EDT
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me and adam's dum video.
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: -video- of me and adam
Topic: Video
yeah well i was just siffting through some old vids when i came about this one, its so stupid but its of me and adam, adams one of my best buds he's really funny, and fun to be around. yeah well in the video i had my digital cam and you can take pics with it or video tape, well pretty much he didnt know that it could video tape to, he just thought it could take pics, so i made him stand around waiting for a pic that was never going to happen because i was recording him the whole time lol, well also his eyes were starting to hurt him because he tryed to cross them for the so called pic lol. theres also another vid of me and jeff and adam out side but most of the vids are kinda shaky and spin around a lot because of the fact that people keep grabin the cam to use it, o well.

thats all for now

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 7:38 PM EDT
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the U.P.
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: umm
well i know i have not writen in a while, buts thats because on saturday i lift to go up to the U.P. of michigan. any way me and my dad and brother. went to go check out some cabins to buy and stuff for our vaction. yeah my and my brother get to each bring a friend. last year i broght raquel and jeff broght anthony. well anyways i think i'll bring her this time too. well after we went and checked out some placed to stay we checked into a hotel and stayed there a night and hit the road the next moring, i just got back. o and we also went to the lake, heres a pic, well thats all for now

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 5:00 PM EDT
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Friday, June 24, 2005
Hot day
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: ummmmmm
well today i woke up at like 2:00pm in the afternoon, because i stayed up so late last night. i stayed up till 4:00am in the morning. well any ways i got up and sence my room is in the basement its nice and cool down there, well i went up stairs to get something to eat and take my pills ( i take pills for my stomache i take previseid and dicyloman. and i took tylonal beacause my legs had some crapms) and to my surprise it was 90 degrees. it was so hot outs side. pluse to top that off it was cleaning day, and i had to vacum and clean up around the house, it was so hot i felt like doing nothing. yeah to some people 90 is nothing but if you've lived in michigan your whole life its something. then later on when my mom got home i finally got my phone back. it was getting fixed beacuse the antena broke off when i was a michigan adventures amusment park/ water park.

any way thats all for now

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 8:30 PM EDT
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not much
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: - yawn-
well i just started this whole blog/journal thing. im new at it but i guessed i would try it sence im out of school now and dont have much to do. well heres the thing to day i did almost nothing. but i did clean my room/ well not really my room just my closet. but its spot less. tommarrow i'll do my room. anyways im bord and just chillin in my room. im kinda tired. its 1:33am and i just cant get to sleep so im on my computer listening to music and stuff.

well thats all for now

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 1:31 AM EDT
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