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me and my life
Saturday, January 14, 2006
well i havent wrote in a long ass time
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: ummm
well i havent wrote in a long time, so just to fill ya in, i have a new bf, his name is bob, and its a new year, plus one of my best friends has moved away, but anyway i came here to tell all you fokes who might read this that im no longer writting in this all the time, im now writting in my xanga, which is also on my site you can just click on xanga, and it will take you there, but any ways i will still write in this, but only if i have something really deep to tell, my other one, (xanga) i write in just about every day, so ya, i leave you at that.. visit my xanga site, and website as often as you fell i'll always be adding some more pics, etc...

love tonya

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 8:46 PM EST
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
still at my sisters
Mood:  cool

well I'm still at my sister, I'm have'n fun, which is good, yesterday me jess, and Jeff stayed up till 3:00am and woke up at 8:00am, lol, I'm still up, also we watched the stupid weather pop up window, to see what the weather would be like for tomorrow, but you know what that weather pop up window said, I said it would be sunny tomorrow, and now tomorrow has come, and what is the weather like , rainy, thundering, and lighting, I mean how off can these weather people be? I've heard of saying is was sunny and then it ends up being partly sunny, but common, this is the complete opposite, O well, that was at like 8:00am its 9:30am now, and its cleared up, but its still cloudy, today me, Jeff, and jess, are going to the mall, I cant wait, that'll be a lot of fun too!! then later on today I'm going home, I think, I depends, lol

well that's all for now



Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 9:22 AM EDT
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Friday, August 26, 2005
im at my sisters
Mood:  energetic

hi everyone, well I'm at my sister right now, so far its been pretty fun, I enjoy spending time with Jessie and Brittany, they have really both grew a lot, I mean now Brit is going to school , and Jessie is just grown some much, I have a lot of fun talking to her, she's a lot more mature than most her age, yeah anyway the baby Jordan , he is so cute, lol, also tomorrow I'm going to the mall with Jeff, my bro, and Jessie, I cant wait... well I got to go


Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 8:59 PM EDT
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
the next day
Mood:  mischievious
well today we brought the boys home, and then went shopping , I got a new hand bag/ purse , what ever you want to call it, I need a new one really bad lol, and Jeff got a new game with his B-day money, yeah that's about it, also tomorrow I'm going to locker sign ups, and Jeff 7th grade orientation, then we're packing up our bags and getting ready to go to grand rapids the next day, that's where my sister lives, I haven't seen her in a while, she just had her new baby not too long ago, he is so cute, but any ways, I'm going to see her because if I don't go and see her now, i wont be able to see her again until next summer, which would suck, I'm planning on seeing my nieces and my new nephew, as well as going shopping at the 44th street mall, that will be fun,

yeah that's all for now


Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 3:08 PM EDT
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Monday, August 22, 2005
Mood:  not sure
well im bord, its 11:01, and i have nothing to do, so i decided to write in my blog, my brother, loved the cd i got him and like the cd player, well thats all for now C~ya

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 11:04 PM EDT
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jeff's b-day
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: chucky's seed, its an awsome movie
Topic: Jeffs b-day

well today is my brothers birthday, I got him a CD, CD player, shoes, and a pack of gum as a gage gift, you'd have to know my brother, and how he is will gum lol, any ways ryan came over, (jeffs friend)and a few others, jeff opened presents, we all ate cake, then I took them to the beach, and it was really fun lol, Jeff made a new friends so to speak, its actually a wild duck though, it dived in the water next to the boys out of no where and let Jeff pet it and play with it, it fallow Jeff every where, lol, it was so funny, and when we went to go leave, it fallowed him up on shore all the way to the car, and the surprising thing is, is that we had no food to feed it with, it just came and stuff, lol, any ways then we came home , which is where I'm at right now, moms cooking us pizza and later on where going to have ice cream, -yummy-

well got to go


Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 7:38 PM EDT
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
yah i havent wrote in a while
Mood:  flirty

yeah, well first of all i just got back from the u.p. i had brought raquel with me, we spent a week up there, and it was very cool, i enjoyed it alot, we hung out with some of the towns people, and both met hot guys, mike and eric, she liked eric, he was tottaly her type lol, yeah well any ways we just got back and now im going to be going shopping with my mom, we're going to pick up some things for my brothers birthday tommarow, that should be fun i suppose, well i got to go, byebye

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 6:43 PM EDT
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Friday, August 5, 2005
Mood:  hungry
well its 2:30 am and im still up and not even tired, so i decide to write in my blog im taking to rodney right now, later i was talking to bob and noel, but anyways i just took some pics of my self lol i look retarded in them, im bord... well kinda bord, not complettly im still talkin to rodney and i'll talk to bob later at like 3:00 am,, he said thats the time he'll be on again to chat or what ever,, i cant belive im still not tire, and just rableing on on,,

well thats all for now

p.s here is one of my stupid pictures lol

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 2:34 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, August 21, 2005 6:54 PM EDT
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
yeah im bord
Mood:  rushed
Now Playing: yeah
so today not much as happend not any differnt from what has happend any other day, but yeah any ways i stayed at home did my chourse and then when my dad came home my brother asked if i could take him to the beach, which was no surpise, its what he has asked every day sence i got my licens and every day its the same thing, dad says yes and we go to the beach, sometime i go to the beach twice a day, sometimes i'll go to lake michigan during the day and school section lake during the night or not really night just around 5'ish untill like 8ish, but yeah ive been to the beach 11 days in a row, omg i either go with friends or my brother and his friends, or just my brother, i mean its not that i hated it , but after going so many times in a row it gets kinda non eventful. but yeah tomarrow im going to ... well you guessed it, the beach, on a boating trip with my dad and brother...

well thats all for now

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 11:26 PM EDT
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
Mood:  irritated
omg like soon as i told some people to go to this fucking website to read about what happend to day they couldnt get to it beacause angelfire didnt post it yet, well then i waited and told them to go again but it still was not there damn it

well thats all for now
this really sucks

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 10:58 PM EDT
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omg she had a baby
Mood:  happy
well today was interesting, first of all anthony my brothers friend came over, and he was being a pain in the ass, then later on i went to the beach and as we were paking up to head on home these mexican guys pulled up and was like "hi nice car" and i was like "thanks" then the driver like did a kiss with his lips toward me, then i walk to jeff my brother and started folding my towles i had brought, and they started like reming the engine in back of me, so then i just walked up to my car pretending not to notice but the bag and towles in the trunck and all of a suddin i look over at them and the driver motions for me to come over there, and i was like "no" then the driver said "why" i said " im 16, your to old for me" he said "me too" i said "no your not" which you could clearly see he was at least in his middle 20's, then i open my car door and he started backing up, gave me a kiss motion with his lips again and said "where are you going" i said "i told you no" then he said " ok" , but was still blocking my car in, with his, making it impossable for me to go anywhere, then all of a sudden my brother shouts out " get the fuck out of here you fucker" and he said " what the fuck do you want " then he gave me one last kissing motion and drove away, i was really scared, i didnt know what i was going to do, but then when i got home thing when over on a better note , so to speak, my sister just had her baby a few minutes before i got home, my dad said the baby was fine and healthy, he also said the baby was 7 lbs 20inches, black hair, and blue eyes.

well thats all for now

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 10:01 PM EDT
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: movie of me and raquel its so fucking awesome!!
Topic: Movie
hey whats up, yeah i havent wrote im a while because my gay computer crashed, anyways now im back and my computer is fixed and all ready to go, well while i havent wrote, like in the mean time, alot has happend, i got my license is the main one, which is so cool, yeah also raquel came over a few days ago and we made this movie together, its funny, click down below to check it out, lol, yeah anyways i have to go, check out the moive its so cool, well ...

thats all for now
My VideoMy Video

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 8:14 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, August 2, 2005 9:28 PM EDT
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
havent written in a long time
Mood:  a-ok
well i havent wrote in a long time because my computer broke down, and know im useing my old one which is really slow and takes like a half an hour just to load one page, (no lie) any ways i took my re test for the road test and i passed so i'll be getting my license this coming monday which im very exicted about, buy yeah it seems i cant get a hold of like most of my friends, there all on vaction or something lol, but yeah next week is the fair and trout a rama, i might go with logan to that and to the fair with some of my friends differnt days like raqule or brit, brits coming over this sunday, but i have got to do something this next week with raqule if shes avaliable because i havent seen her all summer, even though shes going to the u.p with me but thats not untill august so yeah, plus i told bob that i would take him to get some new shoes, lol im not buy them for him or anything he has the money but no one to bring him in to town and he really dose need new shoes lol his that hes wearing right now kinda have a whole in them and there just not good lol, any ways i'll be pretty busy when i get my license, finally lol in stead of being stuck at home all the time,

well thats all for now

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 1:54 PM EDT
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Friday, July 15, 2005
Mood:  loud
well so far tuesday, wendsday, and thursday, ive been just practicing alot, my parents are kinda makin me, but i suppose its for the best, i'll be taking the road test this next coming monday, im positive i wont be so nervous this time, and tomarrow im going on a fishing trip with me dad and brother, we'll be gone untill sunday.

well thats all for now

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 6:45 PM EDT
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Monday, July 11, 2005
the road test
Mood:  down
Now Playing: omg
well to start off to say, i took the road test today, and i failed, every one was telling me how easy it was suppose be, all the adults anyways, none of the kids i talked to said so though, well i got my cell back from bobs house, but then i left my sunglasses there lol, but i'll get them next monday, thats when im retaking the road test, so anyways, thats that, im going to be setting stuff up in my yard for me to practice, and hopfuly i wont be so nervous the next time,

well thats all for now

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 10:04 PM EDT
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
Mood:  d'oh
well today rose picked me up and i went to the mall with rosemary, it was her birthday today so that was cool, i got some new perfume, and body spray along with, a shirt, but i didnt have very much money to begin with because i couldnt get to my bank acount because it was closed at the time so i only had a little bit of money, anyways i got home and now i have to practice for my road test tommarrow and i wish there was some how i could practice for the cone test because im really nervous, about it,

well thats about all for now

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 12:01 AM EDT
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
not much!!
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: smile!!
well today i did pretty much nothing, i cleaned the house and all that good stuff, then out of the blue, adam called me and was like hi, whats up, i guess he had been at his aunts the whole time and he just never told anyone he was there, so his parents never knew where was, either did anyone else, but his aunt, god i was so upset, that he didnt tell anyone and got every one all worried well yeah he's at work right now, but he said he might come over and say hi, and stay a little while. yeah i talked today to seth again only this time on the phone, lol. it was fun, and logan had wrote me an e-mail, i havent talked to him in a long time, but he wrote me about adam, and i wrote him back tellin him every thing was going to be ok,and tomarrow is rosemarys birthday, so i'll probly be going shoppin with her at the mall tomarrow, which will be fun,

anyways thats all for now

well thats all for now!!

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 4:52 PM EDT
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Friday, July 8, 2005
well well now!!
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: lol
well today i woke up, but instead of just wakin up and getting out of bed and going though all the norms, i woke up and found rosemary one of my firends sitting on my bed looking at me very wierdly, and hell i thought i was dreaming but, no i wasnt!! she was really there just looking at me, and i was "what the hell, where did you come frome" she was like " hahahaha, yeah after your parents went to work i just came into your house and sat on your bed i was about to wake you up but you woke up anyways, yeah so get up!! lets go on a bike ride!!" and i was still like thinkin to my self what the fuck is going on here, but even though it was like 11:30 and i was still really tired i got up, and then we went on a bike ride, and she gave me an early birthday present, and then i got home and had to turn right back around and head into town because i had to go to my brothers base ball game!! it was there last game, but they lost, yeah o well, i talked to seth today, that was interesting, lol. but i mean he's a nice,and funny guy so that's all good,

well thats all for now!!

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 12:01 AM EDT
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: omg
well today was boring, i found out that i couldnt got to arcadia until like the 16th and 17th, and thats when raqule invited me to her car wash!! pluse i cant go to my sisters untill august!! but i'll be on vacation in august!!! anyways today i when on a long ass bike ride lookin for adam because he never showed up at his home last night and no one knew where he was, so i went lookin for him, and still didnt find him!! i along with his parents have no idea where he is, its so scary, and im really worried about him!!!

well thats all for now

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 9:54 PM EDT
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
long time
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: lol
well to start off, on the 4th the fireworks were canceled, and me, adam, and jeff just hung out, i tried to find bob at the beach on monday but i couldnt find him anywhere!! well then the fireworks were resecadualed for the 5th! so the next day i was suppose to ride with rose but i didnt because fireworks were on the 5th and so instead me, adam, and jeff got troped off at walmart for a couple of hours and waited around there for my mom, then we went to the fireworks display, they were so beatiful, truly they were!! i had fun yesterday, but also on the 4th my computer's modem broke beacuse it got shocked by lighting, so i didnt get to write a entry for a couple of days but i just got it fixed today so im up and running lol,

well i got to go

thats all for now

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 4:53 PM EDT
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