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me and my life
Friday, June 24, 2005
Hot day
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: ummmmmm
well today i woke up at like 2:00pm in the afternoon, because i stayed up so late last night. i stayed up till 4:00am in the morning. well any ways i got up and sence my room is in the basement its nice and cool down there, well i went up stairs to get something to eat and take my pills ( i take pills for my stomache i take previseid and dicyloman. and i took tylonal beacause my legs had some crapms) and to my surprise it was 90 degrees. it was so hot outs side. pluse to top that off it was cleaning day, and i had to vacum and clean up around the house, it was so hot i felt like doing nothing. yeah to some people 90 is nothing but if you've lived in michigan your whole life its something. then later on when my mom got home i finally got my phone back. it was getting fixed beacuse the antena broke off when i was a michigan adventures amusment park/ water park.

any way thats all for now

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 8:30 PM EDT
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not much
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: - yawn-
well i just started this whole blog/journal thing. im new at it but i guessed i would try it sence im out of school now and dont have much to do. well heres the thing to day i did almost nothing. but i did clean my room/ well not really my room just my closet. but its spot less. tommarrow i'll do my room. anyways im bord and just chillin in my room. im kinda tired. its 1:33am and i just cant get to sleep so im on my computer listening to music and stuff.

well thats all for now

Posted by art3/tonyalovett at 1:31 AM EDT
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