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~Jenna Sheng

~Jenna Sheng

The Angel of Darkness

"What's wrong and right is written out in an imaginary book in which the Majority is the author."
"There are two things for people who can't deal with reality: drugs and religion."
"Having morals is fine and dandy, but it's quite the contrary when you believe in something imaginary!"
"I won't let the majority's wind snuff out my burning flame!"

Hair Color: auburn

Favorite Color: red and neon colors

Gemstone: amber

Birthday: 5/20/99 (depression anniversary)

Zodiac sign: Taurus

Symbol: scythe

Personality: argumentative, opinionated, anti-social, cynical, negative, dark, philosophical, indignant, spiteful, secretive, mature.
Enneagram personality type: 1 (judge)
Myers-Briggs personality type: INTJ-T

Reason behind the name: A long time ago I made another clever AIM sn (you know I have hundreds of them!) called "neonjennasays." Why is it clever? Because "Neon Jenna Says" sounds like the anime "Neon Genesis" Evangelion. What a great sn to use when debating religion, ne?! ;-J I chose "Sheng" for her last name because "Sheng Jen" means "knowledgeable one" in Chinese.

Reason behind the brain: Sharen (Bytamic) > Sadna (Dacs) > Hana (Nidarcs-Shama) > Jenna
I'm this brain a lot. She's the one who always argues with people. I guess she would be the one responsible for me making the opinions section of my website. Anyway, I've always been opinionated and done what I wanted regardless of what anyone else thought. I debated with my friends and classmates when I was in elementary school. I didn't get depressed until 7th grade, and it was because of my friend Madelena who betrayed me by spreading lies about me to everyone she knew. That event made me very cynical and negative. Other friends besides Madelena also betrayed me in life. I learned that I couldn't trust anyone, and that everyone is evil and selfish inside, no matter how they appear to be. All my life my peers have made fun of me for one thing or another, but I won't change to please them. "I have no need for friendship; friendship causes pain; it's laughter and it's loving I disdain." I hate humanity, and I long for the end of the world. I'm agnostic; I don't believe anything unless I see it. I don't know if God exists, but I believe the Bible is man's word, not God's. And if God exists, I hope s/he ends the human race soon.

Likes: being alone, debating with people, prophesies, mythology, learning, philosophy, hearing myself talk

Dislikes: conformists, hypocrites, the media, people who don't listen, people who get offended by debating, people who don't have any reasons for the things they do, people who use cuss words, insults, or stereotypes to win arguments, cussing, evil, drugs, tattoos, piercings (ears included), religion, sexism, talk shows, P.E. (playing sports against the will of the student), anti-war protests, nationalism, dances, marriage, "punks," temporary dating, being teased, people bothering me, people thinking they know me when they know nothing, people asking that infamous question "Are you all right?" or "Is something wrong?"

AIM screen names: neonjennasays, missanthr0p

Theme songs: "I Am a Rock" and "Sounds of Silence" both by Simon and Garfunkle, "Splendid Isolation" by Warren Zevon, "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day, and "Iris" and "I'm Still Here" both by Goo Goo Dolls.

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