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Haruka by Pierrot

Through these millions of years, my love for you will grow infinitely.
until I meet you slumbering in the scenery constantly changing
awaken a memory of a long lost past
life is born from the raging seas.
we met bathed in the ancient rays
without doubting a future still unknown
a giant mountain range roars, exhaling its white breath,
blocking out the sun, and then it takes everything away.
You and I watched the end of the world, on a shattered earth
and left a prayer to meet again overcoming space and time.
we continue to evolve as we are lead,
creating countless fleeting civilizations
on the concrete, grey all over,
I searched only for a sign of you.
the sun that comes out rains poison down on us
the land which accepts the mistake is dying.
and then it takes everything away.
through these millions of years, my love for you will grow infinitely
until i get to you, fearful of an endlessly continuing spiral.
in the end we headed in the direction of our promised reunion.