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~Nirvana Shama

~Nirvana Shama

The Blissful One

"Modesty is dishonesty."

Hair Color: light brown

Favorite Color: yellow

Gemstone: opal

Birthday: 10/2 (Ghandi's birthday)

Zodiac sign: Libra

Symbol: yin-yang

Personality: peaceful, optimistic, accepting, content, wise, mature, objective, calm, serene.
Enneagram personality type: 9 (peacemaker)
Myers-Briggs personality type: INFP

Reason behind the name: Nirvana is a beautiful name with a beautiful meaning. It is the complete bliss one feels after one has been enlightened and overcome things like desire, jealousy, and ignorance. Her last name, Shama, means "peace of contemplation" in Hindi. Shama was also the last name of my former brains group, Nidarcs Shama.

Reason behind the brain: Caren (Bytamic) > Selena (Dacs) > Sally (Nidarcs-Shama) > Nirvana
After overcoming the depression I went through in 7th grade through my own wisdom, I became much more wise, appreciative, and accepting. I also overcame jealousy in 8th grade when I realized that no matter what other people have, I will always be the best in the cosmos. Nirvana is my favorite brain to be. She is the joyful side of me who loves myself. Nirvana is calm and peaceful. Sometimes Nirvana is brought out not by love of myself, but love of someone else. There is no greater feeling than love.

Likes: Meditation, peace, myself and the feeling I feel when I'm Nirvana

Dislikes: Ignorance, dirty humor, people who try to bring me down

AIM screen name: nerv4n4

Theme songs: "Turn! Turn! Turn!" by the Byrds & "The Greatest Love of All" by Whitney Houston

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