Hair Color: purple
Favorite Color: lavender
Gemstone: pearl
Birthday: 1/24 (Pierrot Day)
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Element: air
Animal: butterfly
Reason behind the name: Papillon is French for butterfly. I've always liked butterflies, and I also like Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon:
Reason behind the nymph: When I was in kindergarten, I used to call myself a butterfly.
Likes: rainbows, freedom, birds, cumulus clouds, sun, a gentle breeze, running, butterflies and all other bugs except spiders (which are technically arachnids)
Dislikes: spiders, webs, being or feeling trapped, people bothering me and ruining my happiness
AIM screen names: purplepapiiion, onehuseclouduron, wingg0ddess, rarebirds
Personality: free, changing, analytical, logical, intellectual, sharp, inquiring, enjoys evaluating others' personalities
Theme songs: "When You're On Top" by the Wallflowers,
"Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" by the Beatles,
"She's Like a Rainbow" and
"Goodbye Ruby Tuesday" both by the Rolling Stones
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