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~Sakusha Amuni

~Sakusha Amuni

The Creator

"I think like a genius, I write like a distinguished author, I speak like a child." - Vladimir Nabokov

Hair Color: indigo

Favorite Color: indigo

Gemstone: tanzanite

Birthday: 12/30/96 (writing anniversary)

Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Symbol: pencil

Personality: creative, self-disciplined, productive, artistic, thoughtful
Enneagram personality type: 4 (artist)
Myers-Briggs personality type: INFJ

Reason behind the name: Sakusha is Japanese for "creator/author/writer", and that's what I am. I chose "Amuni" as her last name because "Sakyamuni" means "sage of the Sakya clan," another name for the Buddha. Tis also neat that "Amuni" sounds like "a moonie," meaning a Sailor Moon fan.

Reason behind the brain: Stormie (Bytamic & Dacs) > Imana (Nidarcs-Shama) + Roberta = Sakusha

Sakusha is creative and has a very big imagination. Her mind goes beyond her age. She is very mature, intelligent, and objective. She is very critical of her writing and the writing of others. She also happens to be a good actress. In a nutshell, Sakusha is my creative side, and she is responsible for me thinking up all these brains in the first place.

Even though I've always been imaginative, I consider Sakusha to officially become a part of me in fifth grade when I began to write novels. I also write poetry and keep a diary. Sakusha is my second favorite brain to be. Inspiration + free time to write = a good feeling.

Likes: writing, reading, thinking, daydreaming, psychology, analyzing and correcting people, talking to myself, photography, looking in model homes and at floor plans, and drawing too!

Dislikes: bad grammar, non-objective people, arrogant/self-absorbed people, cursive, contact lenses, homework, short-stories, national traditions, false stereotypes, purse-like backpacks, over used slangs, double entendres (words with more than one meaning), people who start stories and don't finish them.

AIM screen name: humanexpert

Theme songs: "Imagine" by John Lennon, "Imaginary by Evanescence, "The Story" by Brandi Carlile.

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