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Dear Aaron

We never thought that when we brought you into this world and into our hearts that you would stay for such a short time. But in that time, you have touched our hearts so deeply and have changed our lives forever.

If only there were words to describe our love for you. You are the center of our universe. We will always remember you as a smiling little boy who was full of life and love.

The one thing that we will always remember is how you greeted us every morning with a smile that melted our hearts and filled us with love, a smile that brought joyous tears to our eyes.

We are blessed and thankful to have you as our son. We will never say goodbye to you because you will always be with us, Aaron boy. You are a part of our lives today, tommorrow and always!

We love you Aaron!
Mommy and Daddy

Dear Aaron
I'm writing you today
To tell you Grandma loves you
and I'm missing you today
I know that you can't read these words
but somehow that's ok
Cause the postman can't deliver
what I'm feeling anyway

I'm sorry
We didn't have more time
We barely got to say hello
before we said goodbye
But I was there that day in May
a miracle came true
A Grandma's love was born that day
The miracle was YOU...

Don't worry
I'll do the best I can
To help Mommy and Daddy
through the rough times they'll both have
I know you see their sadness
and it hurts to see their pain
But time will wash away their tears
'til only love remains

In closing
I just want to say
I'll see your smile in ev'ry child
that passes through my day
and when each day has ended
and twilight turns to night
I'll look above and feel your love
for your star shines twice as bright

Dear Aaron
I promise you today
You'll live within this Grandma's heart
'til you're in my arms again...

I love you,



Bereavement Resources and Memorial Links

Aaron's Sister

Some of the graphics on this site are courtesy of Loraine Wauer Ferus.