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Home of the Strange, Land of the Paranoid

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Welcome to Area 51

Looking for the strange and unbelievable? Do you think that everything you read in the tabloids is fact, and there a government conspiracy to conceal the truth? Are you convinced that Ross Perot not only had advanced knowledge of extra terrestrial existence on Earth, but may also be an extra terrestrial??? Then this is the page for you!

Welcome to the one place on the net where nothing is to strange to print. Life isnt a conspiracy, it's a series of millions of little conspiracies strung together to make you believe you went insane. You didnt loose your marbles though, you're just smart enough to look past the deceptions and see the hidden truth, the lie within the lie.
Is the truth really out there? Who knows, who cares? This page isn't about breaking the age old silence that keeps man guessing, it's about giving you a few facts, you making up your own mind, and making all the guys keeping the secrets wonder when the truth will be found... You know, making them generally paranoid that eventually we will stumble onto something.

Hey, if you have a crazy web site, or a little psycho anecdote to share, drop us a line and let us know. We're always looking for some more crazy stuff to put up here. And if you one of those hidden bad guys we're making paranoid, tough doodie, ya shouldnt have tried to lie to us to begin with.

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See You on The Dark Side!
Men in Black Visited Thus Far

just another plain ol rule bare

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