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Other Stuff

I bet you never expected to see a giant egg when clicking to this page! Well, this page has tons of great stuff. Such as downloading Escape Velocity from Ambrosia, or Downloading Realmz from Fantasoft. Sorry PC users, EV and Realmz are just for Mac. Also, there are links to things I think are neat.

My Easter Eggs Page!

My Message Board!

This is where any awards my page has would be, as well as where you can recieve an award for your page. Check it out.

Download Escape Velocity for Mac!

Download the Star Wars Plugin for EV!(Recomended)(68k)
Download the Star Wars Plugin for EV!(Recomended)(PPC)

The Official EV Website!

Download Realmz!(8000k)

Realmz's Web Site!

Go here for free icons and buttons!

Terje's Home Page. Well designed!

Macaddict! (If you have a mac, go here, and subscribe!)

Go to Cnet, a pretty cool place for downloads, hints, etc. (There's Other Stuff too, But I Only Go There For Games.)

Get your own free web based E Mail from Hotmail

These are gifs/movies, made by me.
Back to my home page
This is my Banner for a Link Exchange Contest. If you like it, and you are a member of the link exchange, please go vote for it! Thank you!
LinkExchange Member