Hello and welcome!
Currently I am student at the fabulouse Universtiy of Arizona. Its been a blast so far, and I only have a year and a half left. At school I am a Public Administration and Criminal Justice double major. Also I am a voting member in the Residents Hall Association, I am the RHA representitive for Kaibab, the editor of Hall Street Journal, Director of Mock Rock, and Hopefully I will run abd be elected for next years VP or Public Relations.
ok so we all know how stupid stuff keeps flying out of my mouth every so often. Well I was informed I shouldn't keep my dumb comments to myself and those who happen to fall inocent victems to my ramblings, so I have deceided to post them as i remember them. ok so a group of us were hanging out in Adrian and Joel's room and Matt was all,"if I had a car I would drive it everyday down here in Tucson!" and me being me was all," what for man, if you live on campus you wouldn't have to drive a car everyday it would be a waste to do that because," no here's the stupid part :)," because, your home is on campus, food is on campus, entertainment is on campus, campus is on campus" thats when the laughter started and the Campus is on campus thing started! i am sure there are others from that interesting night with the guys but I will keep those locked up inside for one day far far away when I am in therapy :)
Currently I am sorta somewhat "involved" should we say with a Marine who is perfect:) His name is Nick come see everything I care to share about him! :)(hr/>

I have come up with a list of qualifications for my perfect man, my list keeps getting longer and longer, but I know my one and only is out there, maybe I have already met him and just don't know it. Or possibly I could meet him tomorrow, just have to keep on guessing I suppose! :) THE LIST
Ok so a few summers ago (1999) there was this drop dead beautiful guy in my English 101 class., OH BABY!! He was soooo fine and guess what! He talked to me! He asked to borrow my books and he was tall with light brown hair and he drove a honda civic, I think, at least thats what Amy said it was! But he was the love of my life, ok well at least an awsome crush!!
Thought I would let you know. so check it out!!
P.S Amy thought I was like stalking him but the relationship is over I stopped it and Amy may say there was no relationship but hey I know and he knows :) no really I wasn't stalking him but he was so cute.
Dude all I have to say is older college guys are so the way to go :)
Here is Justins page and it is weird well cause he is weird
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