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Angel aka Angelus

Angel, also known as Angelus, is and Irish gentleman born in the early 1700's. Angelus was a ne'er-do-well who was more interested in drinking than doing an honest days's work. On one such night, he laid his eyes on Darla, who turned out to be a vampire, and his soon to be sire. In England in 1860, he murdered the family of a young woman named Drusilla, driving her to madness before becoming her sire, by turining her into a vampire. In Romania in 1898, he killed the favorite daughter of a Romany tribe and was therafter cursed by the tribe's elders; they restored his soul to him, leaving him to live in pain over the acts he had committed as a vampire. He was discovered in New York City by a Demon known as Whistler, who encouraged Angel to make something of himself. Angel moved to LA for a while to discover Buffy, a young slayer, whom Whistler had tlod him about. Angel followed his heart to Sunnydale, and to Buffy. They're relationship progressed until the Angel was unexpectadly turned back into his former, wrong doing, no soul self. He was then later on into the second season sent into the jaws of the Acathla in order to stop hell from becoming a reality. He spent 100 years in torture, and he is now back with his soul(Willow restored it just before Buffy sent him to hell) explaining to the whole gang his situation, asking for forgiveness. Angel is played by David Boreanaz.
