Faith, Hope & Trick
Beware of black limousines in the Happy Burger drive thru. Mr. Trick, a slick, techno-savvy vampire from Washington DC and Kakistos, a vampire who's so old that he's cloven hoofe, didn't come to Sunnydale for a quiet time. They came to look for Faith, a Slayer. She was activated when Kendra was killed by Drusilla. Kakistos wants to kill Faith as she scared his face after he killed Faith's Watcher. Buffy meanwhile, is having recurring dreams about Angel. They are frightening ones, dreams of them together and then the dream ending in misery....something Buffy dreads. She is meeting with a shrink (part of her re-admittance into school). On the bright side of things, she's not the Slayer the out of towners are looking for. Faith, a tough talking free spirit, meets Buffy and the two become friends. They share expereinces that only Slayers can, but nothing about Angel, as Faith would not understand, as not many do, only her true friends. They join forces to beat Kakistos, and Mr. Trick flees to see darkness another day. Buffy also tearfuklly admits to Giles and Willow that the spell to restore Angel's soul really worked, but it was too late, she had to kill him in order to save the world.