The Puppet Show
Giles faces a true horror-running the annual Talent Show-at the instuction of Principal Snydor, Flutie's somewhat militant replacement. Snydor also instructs Buffy, Xander, and Willow to be in the Talent Show, and generally makes a nuisance of himself. To add insult to injury, one of the Talent Show entrants is found dead-with her heart cut out. At first the Slayerettes think it might be your basic serial killer, but when Giles finds a text on the Brotherhood of Seven, a clan of demons who must obtain the heart and brain of a human youth every seven years to keep up their own guise as youthful humans. Suspicion falls upon Morgan, the class genius, who seems to be talking to the wooden dummy he uses for his performance and who is also suffering from headaches-right up until Morgan is found dead with his brain removed, and Buffy realizes that Sid, his dummy is alive. Could he be the demon? Sid turns out to be a demon hunter who has been imprisoned in a dummy's body. Once he and Buffy realize neither is the demon, they pair up to find the demon, which proves necessary once they realize that Morgan suffered from brain cancer, and his cranium would be useless. And the magician really wants to demonstrate his magic trick involving a guillotine to Giles......Buffy saves Giles and the demon is killed, while Sid can finally rest after killing the last of the Seven. The Talent Show went on the Buffy, Xander, and Willow, well....kinda, they did..well.....horrible.