I bet you have heard women talking about their postpatum blues, how their hormones went out of wack. Stay tune for the whole story.
What happens in postpartum? In postpartum you body is trying to go back to a non pregnant state. You have a mixture of hormones that help to accomplish this great task. What hormones you have depends on whether or not you breastfeed.
I give my clients the following instructions:
1) On day 3 after the birth, rent a movie that is sad and cry with it. I have found that when the milk comes in, mom might have a day where she is weepy. This is normal and try not to resist the urge to cry; instead enjoy being a woman and allow the tears to come.
2) Postpartum blues that are normal are the result of hormone imbalance or mom being tired from being up with the baby. It is real important that you have someone help you around the house the first week after the birth. People will volunteer to help in a number of different ways, take them up on meals, cleaning the house, watching your other children, doing the wash, etc. This gives people the opportunity to minister.
3) Another reason for depression after a birth could possibly be that you had to high of expectations regarding the birth. Realize what birth is and is not. Don't allow yourself to get depressed because it was not the way you planned it. I had a birth planned one time where I had a fire going in the fireplace. I had bought a number of different candles and had each of them lite. I had made a beautiful bed on the floor next to the fireplace. Quiet, soft music was playing. And do you know where I had my baby??????On the cold bathroom floor, in a huge mess. You can never predict how a birth will turn out, just prepare yourself for anything and don't allow disappointments. Fill your days after a birth with happy thoughts about the baby. Glory yourself in the baby, Praise God over the beautilful gift He has given you; ENJOY THE BABYMOON.
3) Postpartum blues can also be seen with moms who have colicky babies. This can be overcomed by patience and allowing your baby to adjust to his/her environment. LOTS of prayer and family members can help by allowing the mom to rest whenever she can.
4) Remember to allow yourself to heal after the birth, don't pop up out of bed and try to mimick women who you have heard about. REST,REST,REST the best prevention for postpartum blues.
Please call your health care provider if you feel suicidal or if you are showing signs of anger around your baby. We can help. Don't be afraid to call and get help, we will be there for you.
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