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Different situations come up in your life that you need to find solutions for. Just like trying to find out a solution to a mathematical problem, life is very much the same. ( Problem + God's Promise = Solution )

Reading God's Word and applying it to your life can only benefit you. Ways that it can benefit you are clearly seen, such as: Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance.

Sound familiar, you're right, it is the fruit of the spirit. The fruit is manifested each time you study the Word and apply it. Do you know why? Walking in the Spirit is a phase used to say you are submitting to the Word of God.

The word submits comes up. Recently I was reading an article where the author was trying to say with fancy words that we should not use the word "submit" in connection with birth. The word submit means to yield or surrender to the authority or the power thereof.

Relationships cannot flourish without committment and submission (or yielding) on each side. The fruit of a relationship between a man and a woman is a child or children. We submit one to another, children submit to us, all of us submit to God. Sounds easy, huh, but it's not. It requires a day to day committment to letting go and not controlling.

In birth there is a letting go (a yielding to the power) and allowing things to happen. It is not about control, it is about leaning on the precious promises that God gives us in His Word. I have seen first hand how letting go allows the natural process of birth to happen. Believe it or not by letting go you are controlling the outcome. You are the one controlling the situation and allowing God or the Holy Spirit to work in you. Please feel free to e-mail me for more information on applying God's Word to your life.

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