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Fall 2001 Conference
Educational Sessions
What Do You Do When...? Dealing With Ehtical Dilemmas in Toastmasters

Dr. Patricia Gangi
A talented workshop designer, facilitator, and performance improvement specialist, Dr. Patricia Gangi is Principal Consultant of her own firm, Cornerstone International Training and Consulting. Over the past 20+ years, Dr. Gangi has worked with diverse profit and non-profit organizations in the areas of service quality, change management, executive level team building, and management development. Her customer service learning system for a major upscale hotel chain has been translated into 10 languages and is in use worldwide.
In her career she has seen herself and others struggle with ethical issues. From this Pat has developed a passion for speaking to corporate audiences about “Putting Virtue to Work at Work:  The Business Benefits of Doing the Right Thing.” Known for her warmth and winning humor, “Dr. Pat” is the Strategic Consultant to the District 3 Toastmasters Leadership Institute.



You know that a popular member's contest talk isn't “substantially original” as required…

You're one CTM away from Distinguished Club Status. A member suggests you sign-off on his CTM even though he can't give his #10 speech until two days after the DCP goal deadline… 

The joke master tells an offensive and discriminatory story .....What do you do?

This workshop will provide you with practical tools and information for successfully handling situations like those above. Specifically, we will:
1) Define “ethics.” 

2)  Identify six core, universal, and non-discriminatory values on which to make an ethically defensible decision. 

3)  Review a widely accepted model for ethical decision-making. 

4) Identify various ethical challenges within the Toastmasters’ environment 

5) Follow a five-step process to address ethical challenges faced in Toastmasters. 

6) Identify sources of information about specific ethical guidelines within Toastmasters.

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Educational Session 

Carole Poole 
Career Fitness. Building Your Career Portfolio  

Judy Sutor 
and Club 52 
Speechcraft "How Club 52 Saved Their Club" 

Dr. Pat Gandi 
Ethics in the Club, What Do You Do When..." 

Ann Louise Hall 
Finding Speech Topics, "Tools & Processes for Creating Ideas"

Brian Cavanaugh 
Speech Making Made Easy 

Dr. Top Ollerman, Personal & Professional Ethics, "What 's Wrong With Their Thinking" 

Paul Schnabel 
From Content to Connection,  "Presenting with Impact" 
Marian Sjostrom, Motivate Through Rewards, "Getting what You Want" 

Cyndi Newburn (Moderator), Don Collins, Laurie Doeing, Robert Blaser, Dee Dees
Reaching Distinguished "From 6 to Distinguished in One Year"