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. . . for better Thinking, Listening, and Speaking in Arizona
  District Home Page  |   Fall 2001 Conference - Feature Speaker 
Fall 2001 Conference
  Feature Speaker 


You Too Can be a World Champion      

Ed Tate is among the best in the world! Out of 175,000 members from 70 countries, Ed won the coveted Toastmasters International 2000 World Championship of Public Speaking. He is the first champion of the new millennium, century, decade and year. There won't be another one like him for a thousand years!  

On Saturday morning, November 10th, Ed Tate the 2000 World Champion of Public Speaking is prepared to give you...  

His 4-Step Success Formula to achieve any goal and  

His Story Telling Secret Recipe   
A “behind the scenes view” of the 3 Speeches that helped  

him win the World Championship  

What you will get out of this program?   
NOTHING if you’re not there..  

Register for the District 3 Fall Conference NOW!  

Download a Registration Form at:  

Ed Tate will be there, so will Toastmasters International President Alfred Herzing 

and Bob Khan, the voice of the Phoenix Fire Department  

and District 3’s Communication & Leadership award winner.  
Award achieving members of District 3 will be recognized. 
What about you and other members of your club? 
 Save with the Buddy Plan.-  
You’ll be amazed how far $15 or $20. can take you... 

Special to d3tm_enews

Ed worked for a computer company and traveled frequently during the first three years of his club membership. It was not practical for him to participate in the club's speech contest.

"When I quit traveling, the members kept encouraging me to enter the contest, saying they thought I was good enough to complete at the international level. Winning the Championship sure seemed to support their belief."

Glenn Pike, DTM

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Educational Session 

Carole Poole 
Career Fitness. Building Your Career Portfolio  

Judy Sutor 
and Club 52 
Speechcraft "How Club 52 Saved Their Club" 

Dr. Pat Gandi 
Ethics in the Club, What Do You Do When..." 

Ann Louise Hall 
Finding Speech Topics, "Tools & Processes for Creating Ideas"

Brian Cavanaugh 
Speech Making Made Easy 

Dr. Top Ollerman, Personal & Professional Ethics, "What 's Wrong With Their Thinking" 

Paul Schnabel 
From Content to Connection,  "Presenting with Impact" 
Marian Sjostrom, Motivate Through Rewards, "Getting what You Want" 

Cyndi Newburn (Moderator), Don Collins, Laurie Doeing, Robert Blaser, Dee Dees
Reaching Distinguished "From 6 to Distinguished in One Year"