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  Arizona's Toastmasters International
 District 3 Toastmasters Spring Conference

Conference Agenda

Registration Opens - First Timers 
 & Credentials Sign up
   Guest Happy Hour 5-7p.m.
Early Bird Education Session
   "Factoring In The Funny Stuff"
Fun Night
Ice Cream Social
Hospitality Room

No Host Continental Breakfast
Registration Opens 7AM
  First Timers & Credentials Reg.
  Parade Of Banners Lineup

  Parade of Banners - Proclamations
Keynote Speaker - Cody Williams
Club Recognition & Awards
District Council Mtg - 9:45
Helen Blanchard, DTM
  - Past International President
   "One Score and Six"
   - Youth Leadership Showcase
    Lining the Past to the Future
C & L Award Winner:
  Jana Bommersbach - Individual Educational Awards

Session #1 - 2:15 Beth Boaz
Session #2 & #3 - 3:15
Peter Francis - Pat Gallagher

Session #4 & #5 - 4:15
Richard Moore - George Self
  Contestants & Judges Briefing
   Dignitary Line-Up

First Timers Awards
International Speech Contest
   Hospitality Room

Interdenominational Worship
       Contestant & Judges briefing
District 3 Breakfast & Dreamship
Evaluation Speech Contest

Spring Conference Front Page | Richard Moore Introduction
"Myths, Mistakes, and Mission - Tostmasters at the Crossroads"
Richard Moore, ATM
District 3 Strategic Planner 1998-1999

Today we are going to talk about Toastmaster Myths, Mistakes and Mission: Toastmasters at the Crossroads. 

What is a crossroad? A crossroad is a place where one has to make a choice as to which way to go. In this discussion the term Toastmasters refers to each of us, not just the organization as a whole. Both Toastmasters International and individual Toastmasters come to crossroads where a choice is necessary to continue. 

The challenge is to make a choice which leads to the desired destination. The problem is that many Toastmasters only have a fuzzy idea of what our their destination really is. They know they are in Toastmasters and since their continued involvement is an indicator of some level of satisfaction. For some the crossroad is which goal to pursue next, which Advanced Manual or level of achievement to choose. 

Unfortunately, many Toastmasters are at a major crossroad with no knowledge of the destinations available – they give speeches rather complete projects, they write a speech and then find a manual speech that "fits" – thereby missing the main purposes for "giving a speech" in Toastmasters which is to perfect a speaking skill and to provide the opportunity for other members to learn from the evaluation of that speech against specific criteria.

We're going to talk about why some people are here at the conference and why others are not. Why some Toastmasters continue meaningfully involved while others are satisfied with their "status quo".


Since the Toastmasters organization began in 1924, more than three million men and

women have benefited from its the communication and leadership programs. We are the largest and oldest organization in the world promoting communication an leadership skills. We have experienced steady growth and demonstrated innovation and a willingness to change. We have a sensitivity to the quality of membership. We have all the tools we need to train people to be effective communicators and leaders.

We are fulfilling the Mission Statement of Toastmasters International.

The Mission of Toastmasters International

Toastmasters International is the leading movement devoted to making effective communication a worldwide reality.

Through its member clubs, Toastmasters helps men and women learn the art of speaking, listening and thinking, vital skills that promote self-actualization, enhance leadership potential, foster human understanding, and contribute to the betterment of mankind.

It is basic for this mission that Toastmasters International continually expand its worldwide network of Clubs, thereby offering ever greater numbers of people the opportunity to benefit from its programs.

Yes, we are the leading movement for Communications and Leadership, Besides learning to give speeches in front of audience, we gain confidence. We learn and teach vital skills that promote self-actualization- (Maslow would like that). We find new confidence in ourselves and enhanced leadership potential and a higher purpose- to foster human understanding. That’s the real payoff in the In the "Communication Skills for Life" brochures, we are focusing on results....answering the big "What’s in it for me question" by telling people what they are going to get out of Toastmasters.?

As a world, we are lousy communicators. We would rather exchange lead than words. In Toastmasters we have a higher purpose, to teach people to communicate and to become leaders. We are preparing women and men to become resources to their communities We need to stop giving a speech and try to find a manual skill to match it. We need to switch that around. We need to focus on moving forward, gaining skills and pursuing higher purposes. We have clubs in 69 countries. We have 175,000 members worldwide. That’s a drop in the bucket to the need and the potential of our organization.

Each of us has gained a lot from Toastmasters. Some reflect on the rapid growth a dramatic changes Toastmasters experienced during the 1970s and 80s and refer to those as the "golden days". I submit, these days are the golden days --if we choose to make them so.

Some Toastmasters are concerned that we have reached our peak – that we have hovered between 170,000 and 176,000 members for the past five years and since we have grown significantly, we can't grow. 

I submit that what matters is members and what is happening at the club level – that’s where we need to grow – in giving people the "Toastmasters Experience". they paid for.

In the Membership Growth Manual there is a section named "Moments of Truth" which is designed to have members look at their club from the perspective of a new member. As we go through this next segment think about your club.:

Let me tell out about Dawnbusters, where I gave my Ice Breaker Speech on April 6, 1982 Dawnbusters met at 6:10 AM every Tuesday at Cocoas restaurant. In the 80s Dawnbusters was a vibrant exciting club. At a typical meeting there would be 20-25 members in attendance. Competition for Best Speaker, Table topics and Best Evaluator was keen. Every functionary was on target, evaluations were on target, competition to represent the club in Speech Contests was serious. Dawnbusters was delivering the Toastmaster Experience and members were thriving.

I left Dawnbusters to help found my present club. I kept in touch over the years and a few weeks ago I had the opportunity to visit Dawnbusters. I’m sad to tell you the "Moments of Truth" I observed and sadder still to tell you that since then Dawnbusters, a club with a 50 plus year history, has disbanded. 

What was missing? First, there were only eight Toastmasters present: and two of us were visitors. The greetings were warm and the members present had been longstanding effective members of the club – some were members since the 80s. But there were signs of trouble – which proved to be the death knells for the club. (During the presentation at the Conference each point was punctuated with the single dinging of an Ah Bell)

  • The Toastmaster began the meeting by asking people to fulfill functions. (Ding)
  • The club didn’t use a printed schedule which listed functions 4 weeks ahead anymore. (Ding)
  • The Toastmaster had not prepared an agenda or confirmed participation before the meeting. (Ding)
  • Members had not called the Toastmaster to confirm they had found their replacement. (Ding)
  • There were two speeches – neither to fulfill a project in a manual. (Ding)
  • Evaluators weren’t pre-assigned, so they could contact their speaker ahead of the meeting, (Ding)
  • Competing to be in a Speech Contest was no longer a priority – no one had the time. (Ding)
  • Dawnbusters had became a social club that enjoyed going on hikes and campouts, but lost their way in Toastmasters. 
  • They had lost their former enthusiasm that drew members and were just holding on. (Ding)
Dawnbusters is gone because members broke the Toastmaster’s Promise 

How long has it been since you read the Toastmaster’s Promise printed on the back of the Membership Application. Have you considered that when you pay When you pay your dues, you are reasserting your promise, and this perpetuates success in Toastmasters.

Look at Promise # 1 – To attend all Club meeting regularly: - do you do that?

Consider Promise #2 – To prepare all of my speeches to the best of my ability, basing them on projects in the Communication and Leadership Program manual or the Advanced Communications and Leadership Program manuals. Said another way, when we don’t give speeches to fulfill projects in a manual, we are cheating our members out of their educational experience. The other promises are equally important, review them.

We need to become more efficient in our clubs. Some Fuzzy Math

In District 3 we have 140 clubs. If each club meets 50 times a year and 3 manual speeches are given that equals 21,000 speaking opportunities. If projections are realized there will be 222 CTM and 102 ATM completions which will use up 3,444 speaking opportunities. Which means our Efficiency Ratio is just 16.4% or that only 1 out of 6 speeches given in District 3 is to complete a manual. Stated another way – if we used all of our opportunities we would have 1755 ADDITIONAL CTM completions. 

Toastmasters is Successful Financially 

Looking at the 1998 Year-End Financials Toastmasters International has:

  • Has $21476.191 in Total Assets ($20,760,503 in Net Assets)
  • Showed a "Profit" (Increase in Unrestricted Net Assets) of $1,068,082
  • Produces and distributes educational materials at a profit
  • Spent $657,061 on Marketing 
The operating expenses are being used to serve members and perpetuate the organization. Investments in infrastructure and particularly the web site have positioned TI for greater efficiency in the future. We have the capacity to serve a greater volume of clubs and members. 

Areas for Improvement

  • We need to shift the emphasis from public speaking (which people fear) training people to be more effective communicators and leaders
  • A large percentage of the members are consumers – paying a fee for a service; only a small percentage will become long term members
  • The members do not comprehend the breadth and depth of the resources available
  • Many clubs are allowed to keep their charter while not maintaining charter strength or delivering the Toastmaster program in the prescribed manner
  • Members leave after completing their CTM or stay but only 20% complete ATM
  • Marketing materials are "organization" and "feature" oriented and do not answer the "What’s in it for me" question". (Advertising is not the answer- equipping and motivating members to bring prospects is the successful combination)
  • Members do not see themselves as being able to "sell" Toastmasters
"I can’t sell."Yes, you can. Using the The PREP Formula 

How many people in the room are involved in sales? (5% of the audience responded affirmatively). In the next few minutes I am going to show you a simple technique called the PREP formula which is a fantastic tool for organizing your thoughts. PREP is an acronym. To organize you thoughts write the letters P,R,E,P as paragraph headings. P stands for Point – what you want the listener to believe. Next, give a Reason why this is true. Then provide an Example which vividly depicts your point. Finally, restate your Point. That’s the PREP formula.

Let’s practice. Each of us is going to prepare a Table Topic using the PREP formula. We are all going to develop the same Point – "How being a Toastmaster has changed my life".

Some examples from the audience participation segment:.

Geoff: He got a call from somebody that he didn't know, asking him to be a keynote speaker. This has boost his confidence.

Another volunteer: He gets a chance to interact with people that makes him feel proud. This makes him feel good.

Those who didn't get to participate, were challenged to use the message they created to invite someone to consider the Toastmasters program. They were to think of a Salesperson, Teacher, Engineer or Minister they knew, get the corresponding Communication Skills for Life brochure, then make an opportunity to share what Toastmasters has done for them, hand them the brochure and to invite them to attend a meeting. 

Order forms for The Communication Skills for Life brochures were included in the handouts for this session. The cost per bundle of 25 brochures is for $5.50 plus $4 S&H. (If you don’t have an order form, call 602 254-3255) For now, these brochures are only through and to District 3 Toastmasters.
- - - - - - 

Richard was presented a Certificate and a present by Janice Winscot District 3 LGT Marketing at the conclusion of his presentation.

Richard Moore Introduction
Richard Moore Presentation Handouts

Sring Conference Front Cover