Don Griffith, ATM

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Leadership in Action - Mid Month Update - April 17, 2000 
Candidate for Cholla Division Governor
Don Griffith, ATM/CL 
    Don Griffith, ATM/CL Candidate for Cholla Division Governor Don grew up in Northern California and graduated from the University of California Santa Barbara in 1974 with a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. In 1979 he moved to Phoenix to work for Motorola and is now a Project Manager on a large telecommunications program. 

    Don met his wife, Robyn, when they were both members of the Scottsdale Symphony. Don plays the trumpet and Robyn is a fine cellist. They have one son Sean, a freshman at Carl Hayden High School. The whole family is very involved in activities at the North Phoenix Baptist Church. Besides playing in the church orchestra, Don teaches a fourth grade Sunday School class. 

    Don joined "Voice of Motorola" in the Fall of 1997 after nearly fifteen years of gentle urging by a Motorola co-worker. He won the Table Topics trophy at his first Toastmasters meeting and has been hooked on Toastmasters ever since. He's held several officer positions in VOM including Treasurer, VP Education and President. 

    Don recently completed his CL and is two speeches away from ATM-B. Don is the current C4 Area Governor and is honored to be considered for election as Cholla Division Governor..

Don Griffith,
April Update

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM - District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
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