Ellis Rackoff, ATM

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Leadership in Action - Mid Month Update - April 17, 2000 
Candidate for Yavapia Division Governor
Ellis Rackoff, ATM/CL 
    Ellis Rackoff was born more years ago than he cares to mention in Brooklyn, NY.

    In New York he held several positions in Sales Management for various trucking, warehousing, and distribution companies.

    He is married to his wife Sandy for almost 32 years. They have two children, a daughter Aimee who still lives in NY and a son Erik who lives in Scottsdale AZ. Erik is a "starving artist" and Aimee is a Social worker who will graduate in May with a Masters degree.

    Ellis and his wife moved to Prescott AZ(sight unseen) 4 1/2 years ago directly from the Big City. After a short period of adjustment Ellis decided it was the best move of his life.

    Ellis is recently retired from Dietrich and Ball as a Senior Account Executive. He has been a member of the Antelope Valley chapter of Toastmasters for 3 1/2 years holding various positions. He is currently completing his second year as Area Y4 Governor. Favorite hobbies include, hiking, cooking, country dancing, and traveling. -

Rackoff, CTM
Y-4 Area

April Update

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM - District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
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