George Self

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Leadership in Action - Mid Month Update - April 17, 2000 
Candidate for Sonoran Division Governor
George Self, ATM/CL 
    George R. Self is an adult educator. He graduated from Missouri Valley College in 1975 and became a public school teacher in his home state of Missouri. 

    In 1979, he enlisted in the Army. He served in several locations over his 20-year career, living in Germany, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Texas, and Arizona. He entered the Army as a medic but changed to an electronics technician with the Military Intelligence Corps. George earned numerous awards and served as both a drill sergeant and a trainer in the Army's electronics technology school. 

    Since graduating from college, George has completed his Master's Degree in Education Leadership. He was recently admitted to the University of Arizona's Doctoral program where he is studying Higher Education with a concentration in the Community College and a minor in Education Technology. 

    George is currently working as a faculty member for Cochise College where he teaches computer science classes. He is also working as an adjunct faculty member for the University of Arizona South where he teaches education technology classes. His hobbies include reading, computer science, public speaking, and teaching. 

    He is active in three Toastmasters clubs: Thunder Mountain, Cochise, and Huachuca. He has held most club-level elected offices and is currently serving as the Area S-3 governor. He has won numerous speech contests and placed second at District on two different occasions. He is, perhaps, most noted for the hats he proudly models at the District Conference. 

    George and his wife, Diane, live in Sierra Vista, AZ. He has three grown children and two grandchildren who live in Missouri.

George Self, 
S-3 Area 
April Update

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM - District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
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