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Leadership in Action - Mid Month Update - April 17, 2000 
Candidate for District 3 Governor
P.J. Glauz, DTM
    PJ Glauz, DTM, Candidate for District 3 Governor. PJ was born, graduated high school and married in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She and her husband Bill moved to Phoenix with their daughter Lorri and son Rick in the early sixties. 

    PJ and Bill live in West Phoenix. Their daughter Lorri, her husband and three girls live in Manhattan Beach, California. Her son Rick and his family of three girls and one boy live in Victorville, CA. 

    PJ is currently enjoying a two-year paid vacation from Motorola. She is spending many hours participating and supporting her church, Christ United Methodist and Toastmasters

    In 1998 Motorola offered a volunteer severance program that she could not refuse. PJ enjoyed many opportunities with Motorola. She began as a repro typist in the drafting department. She has held many positions including, administrative assistant, board layout, analyst, supervised document control, program coordinator and engineering support department manager. She received her BA in Management in 1985 and received Motorola's prestigious Scientific and Technical Society award in recognition of superior technical accomplishment and outstanding contribution to total technology at Motorola in 1990. 

    PJ is a member in good standing of Voice of Motorola and Leaders Plus Toastmasters. She has held a multitude of club offices and has won speech contests at the club and area levels. 

    PJ was Area C4 Outstanding Toastmaster in 1996-1997. She began District level activities as Area Governor assistant in 1995. Since that time she has been recognized as Presidents' Distinguished Area C4 Governor 1997-1998, Presidents Distinguished Cholla Division Governor 1998-1999 and Division Governor of the Year 1999. 

    PJ is the current Lt. Governor of Education and Training and is extremely honored to be a candidate for Governor of District 3. 

P.J. Glauz,
DTM, Lt. 
Governor of
and Training.
April Update

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM - District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
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