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Leadership in Action - Mid Month Update - April 17, 2000 
Candidate for 
Lt. Governor Education &  Training
Virginia Richtar, CTM/CL 
    Virginia S. Richtar, ATM-B, CL, Lt. Governor Marketing, Candidate for Lt. Governor Education & Training.

    Virginia was born in Jackson, Mississippi, but lived most her life in Arizona. Virginia came to Arizona when she was in the third grade.  She went to 
    Carl Hayden High School and jokes Carl Hayden High & I were Freshmen together. 

    She attended Lamsons Business College where she also taught several classes.  She also attended Phoenix College. She works for Kachina-Mayflower Moving & Storage where she is the Storage Specialist.

    She has three children Roger Jr., Michael Sr. & Regina Long-Sparks.  She has 6 grand children and in August is expecting her First Great Grand Child.  She has been married to John Richtar seven years April 24, 2000. 

    As a member of Chirp 'N Choke Toastmasters she has held the positions of President, VP Education, Secretary & Treasurer.  She has been a member of Toastmasters 9 years this June. She has been an Area Governor twice, Secretary two and a half years and has also been a committee chair person. 

    Virginia is very dedicated to Toastmasters.  She also has the full backing of her husband John. 

Richtar, ATM-B,
CL, Lt Governor
April Update

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM - District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
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