Changes in Club Meeting
Time, Day, Location, and
Contact Person

Club Anniversaries
Charter Banquets
Open Houses

Presentations given as 
a Speaker Bureau
Youth Leadership

Tips for Toastmasters
Quotes and Humor

d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - February 10, 2000 
Trivia Question Posed

A Trivia Question in the newsletter published for Region I by International Directors Susan Niven and Kathy McBride last month was:
"What is the most important award in Toastmasters, according 
to Executive Director Terry McCann?"

Answers sent in by readers included:
* the Icebreaker
* the Membership Pin
* Distinguished Club
* the New Member Sponsor Pin

In a response by Wayne Rivers, D2's LGM, he said it (as well as Terry McCann): "If members stick it out and achieve this award, it means TI is achieving its purpose at helping people become better speakers and listeners."

And helping members become better at speaking, listening, and thinking is also a club goal.

A report issued at District 3's January Executive Council meeting indicated 
that as of December 31, 1999,
74 clubs had not achieved a CTM.
Is your club in the list?

Do you know the District's CTM goal? It's ONE CTM --- EACH DAY!

Encourage members to turn in the paperwork as soon as they complete their CTM (and ATM) educational accomplishments.

The District wants to recognize all who do at the District Spring Conference. To receive that special recognition all paperwork MUST be at TI by March 31.

"The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it."
- John Ruskin
Clubs near Distinguished Goals
Speakers Bureau plans new book
Earn Free Conference Registration with New Members
Four new clubs chartered in January
Club Newsletter Contest  deadline announced 
Youth Leadership Award dedicated to Bob & Betty Gillis
Outstanding Toastmaster Presentation  

District Home Page | The Roadrunner 

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM - District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International