Changes in Club Meeting
Time, Day, Location, and
Contact Person

Club Anniversaries
Charter Banquets
Open Houses

Presentations given as 
a Speaker Bureau
Youth Leadership

Tips for Toastmasters
Quotes and Humor

d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - February 10, 2000 
We Need You !!!
(Have audiences -- need speakers!)

What is the Speakers Bureau?
     1. The Toastmasters Speakers Bureau is a community service of the Toastmasters
     2. An opportunity to share Toastmasters with others.
     3. An opportunity for Toastmasters to develop their speaking skills by speaking  
           before non-Toastmasters audiences.

Who may participate?
Any Toastmaster in good standing, who has achieved the educational level of CTM or above.
Speeches given on behalf of the Speakers Bureau are on a NON-FEE basis. 

How do you become a member of the Speakers Bureau?
It's simple! Complete the application and submit it and submit it to the Speakers Bureau Chair  (See address at top of application.)
If you have any questions or if you know of any organizations that need speakers, please contact SUE DELAP, ATM-B at 520-8824881.

Speakers Bureau Application Form

Please type/print and send to: SUE DELAP, Speakers Bureau Chair
2333 W. Tucana St.
Tucson, Arizona 85745
(520-882-4881  •

Application information will be posted on the Toastmaster World Wide Web site at http ://www. A photograph may also be submitted for posting. Enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope if the photograph is to be returned.

Please check the personal information you give permission to have posted on this site.
___ Name ___ Address ___ Phone(H) ___ Phone(W) ___ E-Mail ___ Fax

SIGNED ________________________________________________________    DATE__________________________________

Name Club _________________________________________________________

Circle Applicable Level --CTM, ATM, ATM-S, ATM-G, DTM

Address _____________________________________________________________________

City __________________________________State _______________ Zip _____________

Telephone (H) __________________________ W __________________________

Employer & Occupation ________________________________________________

Biography __________________________________________________________

Speech #1 __________________________________________________________

Title ________________________________________________________________________

Subject ____________________________________________________________

Speaking Time ______________________

Description of Speech _________________________________________________



(Using the above Speech #1 format , please attach another page for additional speeches.)

 Speakers Bureau Web Pages

Clubs near Distinguished Goals
Earn Free Conference Registration with New Members
Four new clubs chartered in January
Club Newsletter Contest  deadline announced 
Youth Leadership Award dedicated to Bob & Betty Gillis
Outstanding Toastmaster Presentation  
CTM Goal: One a Day!  

District Home Page | The Roadrunner 

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO, Chairman © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International