JUNE, 2000

* Return to June d3tm e-news  Issue

* Spring Conference
* Be Distinguished
* TLI Registration
*Get a Kelli Girl: District Governor will work one full day for you.
* Open House "How-To Kit"

* District & Club Calendar

d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - June 1, 2000

District Governor's Message

    District 3 Toastmasters,

    Two years ago Nancy Starr led this District to distinguished status by encouraging clubs to be distinguished. Her battle cry was "Distinguished or Die" and Toastmasters and clubs of District 3 pulled through and Distinguished was made. Last year Jodie Kay Petra asked us, "How do we eat an elephant" and we answered "One bite at a time" on the way to Distinguished status. Once again, individual Toastmasters and clubs in Arizona helped make Jodie's dream become a reality.

    This year will be the first year in many, many years that District 3 has the opportunity to receive the coveted "Leadership in Service" award for becoming Distinguished three years in a row. By Working Together we can Make It Happen. We have just the head of the elephant left to eat. How can you help eat the rest of that elephant? By bringing in new members. If each club could bring in two new members before June 30, the elephant will be consumed, clubs will be Distinguished and District 3 will have made it to the top.

    On 15 May, 28 clubs in Arizona had already become Distinguished. I encourage each of those clubs to continue to grow and make this the best Toastmaster year ever. 80 more clubs are on the edge of reaching Distinguished. New members are the key. Don't just stop at two new members, reach for five new members. By bringing in five new members the club will receive a $15 gift certificate from the Toastmasters supply catalog, a Better Speakers Series from Toastmasters International and possibly the services of your District Governor for a day (See Kelli-Girl membership campaign).

    Reach for that brass ring!!! Help Nancy, Jodie and myself realize our dreams by helping us finish off that elephant!!! I look forward to presenting each of you with your Distinguished Club awards at the Fall Conference in Tucson!!

    Kelli McDoulett, DTM, D3 Governor

Kelli McDoulett,Governor and 

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman. © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL