d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - June 1, 2000

District 3 Council Meeting
These minutes are posted for review by the district's leadership and have not yet been approved.
                                                      PHOENIX, ARIZONA
                                                   SATURDAY, MAY 20, 2000

     I.Opening Ceremonies 
           A.Welcome by Kelli McDoulett 
           B.Introductions of District Officers at head table 
           C.Credentials Report by Art Nieto: District 3 has 149 active clubs, 137 of which are in
               good standing with 2 votes each for 274 delegates. One-third (91) is required for a 
              quorum. There are 98 officers or their proxies present as well as 28 District officers for a total of 126. There is a quorum.
           A.Unanimous Consent was explained 
           B.Membership: District Governor, Lt. Governor Education, Lt. Governor Marketing, Immediate Past
                District Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Officer,
                Division and Area Governors, Club Presidents or their proxies, Vice Presidents of Education or 
                their proxies. 
                  1.Minutes Approval Committee: Robert Smith, ATM-S, Barbara Crowe, DTM and Anton 
                    Vanterpool II, ATM 
                  2.Tellers: Julie Schruel, CTM, Jodie Kay Petra, DTM, and Dixie Humphreys 
                  3.Timers: Marcia Golombik, DTM and Judy Norris, ATM-G
           D.Adoption Of Agenda — approved without objection
    III.Minutes: Approved 
    IV.Financial Reports 
           A.Audit Report (mid year) was presented by Kelli McDoulett, District Governor. Corrections will be
              made and report will be brought forth to the next District Council
              meeting for approval. 
           B.Approved expenses July to date — Report Kelli McDoulett. Corrections will be made and report 
              will be filed with Toastmasters International. 
     V. Special Orders 
           A.Confirmation of Appointments to Office — Bobbie Mendenhall, CTM to P2 Area Governor. 
           B.Nominations and Elections — Jodie Kay Petra, Chairman of Nominating Committee. Nominating
                Committee members: Mike DiCerbo, DTM, Dee Dees, DTM,
              Leonard Knight, ATM, Judy Norris, ATM, and Richard Moore. 

              Nominated District Officers: For District Governor: P.J. Glauz, DTM; For Lt. Gov. Education & 
               Training: Virginia Richtar, ATM-G, AL, For Lt. Gov. Marketing:
              Mike Herskovits, DTM; For Cholla Division Gov.: Don Griffith, CTM/CL; For Gila Division 
               Governor: Joseph Snyder, ATM-B; For Paiute Division Governor:
              Richard Chard, CTM; For Sonoran Division Governor: George Self, ATM-S, CL; For Yavapai 
              Division Governor: Ellis Rackoff, ATM-S/CL. 


              District Governor: P.J. Glauz, DTM, a single ballot was cast;

              Lt. Gov. Education & Training: Virginia Richtar, ATM-G, AL, a single ballot was cast; Lt. Gov. 
              Marketing: Mike Herskovits, DTM, a single ballot was cast; 

              Cholla Division Gov.: Don Griffith, CTM/CL, a single ballot was cast; 

              Gila Division Governor: Joseph Snyder, ATM-B, a single ballot was cast; 

              Paiute Division Governor: Richard Chard, CTM, a single ballot was cast; 

              Sonoran Division Governor: George Self, ATM-S, CL, a single ballot was cast; Yavapai Division
              Governor: Ellis Rackoff, ATM-S/CL, a single ballot was cast.

              Elections to be posted in the registration area.

           C.District Reorganization 
                  1.Assignment of Clubs:

       Area C1 DMJM Phoenix; Area C2 Cardiac Kids, and JDA.com; Area G3 e-Toasters, and NSA 
       Toastmasters; Area P2 Los Voces de Bilingues and State Expressions; Area P5
       Centurion Toastmasters and Civil Toastmasters; Area S1 Vistoso Voices; Area S5 AZ DnR; Area Y1 
       Toasted O’s; Area Y3 We Be Toastmasters; Area C5 Tosco Talkers

    VI.Reports Of Officers And Standing Committees 
           A.District Governor: Kelli McDoulett, DTM Discussed July Jubilee scheduled for July 29th, Kelli 
              Girl program, approval by Toastmasters International of district
              realignment proposal, upcoming Regional conference scheduled for June 16 & 17th in Galveston, 
              Texas, Toastmasters International President Elect’s Theme for next year
              is Friends Helping Friends Succeed. 
           B.Lt. Governor Education & Training: P.J. Glauz: Discussed educational critical success factors
               CTMs and ATMs and TLI. Report filed with minutes. 
           C.Lt. Governor Marketing: Virginia Richtar: Discussed ongoing campaigns, Club Rescue. Called on
                Art Nieto for Marketing Report. Reports filed with minutes.

       D. Public Relations Officer: Hal Key: Verbal report included Internet e-mail newsletter, and 
            reorganization of Home Page and a committee to create a manual to keep that project

    VII.Reports Of Special Committees 
           A.Toastmasters Leadership Institute: Nancy Starr - Report filed with minutes 
           B.Past District Governors Advisory Council: Nancy Starr — Reported that Dwayne Roberts has put 
               the District Operations manual on-line; looking for people with
               marketing and publishing skills.
   VIII.(Unfinished Business & General Orders) - none 
    IX.New Business — none 
     X.Announcements & "For The Good Of The Order": Comments from Kelli McDoulett, Region III 
               International Director John Smelzer, Anton Vanterpool II, Nancy Starr, and
                  DeeAnne Michael. 
    XI.Parliamentarian’s Report — Dwayne Roberts 

Submitted by: 
DeeAnne Michael, District Secretary

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman. © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL