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d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - June 1, 2000 

Region III Conference


    This is your invitation to "Come to the Island...Galveston Island" and
    the Region III Conference on Friday, June 16 and Saturday, June 17,

    Call the Galvez Hotel (2024 Seawall Blvd) to reserve your room today!
    1 - 409 - 765-7721 ask for the Toastmaster rate of $119

    Conference Reservation Form

    Spouse/Guest Name __________________________________
    District #________________   Club #____________________
    City________________________ State____  Zip___________
    Daytime Phone (_____)________________________________
    Evening Phone (_____) ________________________________
    Fax Phone (______) __________________________________
    E-Mail Address ______________________________________

    Registration for Toastmaster             $30    $_____
    Registration for Non-TM                  $15    $_____
    Fri. Fun Nite                                   $30    $_____   Hawaiian Style Dress
    Sat. Lunch/Keynote                          $25    $_____    Overall Conference Casual
    Sat. Dinner/Speech Contest               $25    $_____        Business/Evening Attire
    Speech Contest Only                         $10    $_____
    Late Fee (postmarked after June 1)     $20    $_____
    Total  (make checks payable to TM Reg III)  $__________

    Reserve a seat for me in training!
    District PRO_____    District Treasurer ______    Division / Area Governor _____   Parliamentarian ______ Newsletter Editor __________
    Mail the completed form to"
    Mary Ellen Hughes, 9234 Stroud, Houston, TX  77036

    I look forward to seeing all of you at the conference.  We have a
    fantastic lineup of presenters, educational sessions and trainers.  We
    have a gorgeous hotel on the water, plenty of sights for the family,
    and an exciting conference planned.

    Meet Terry Daily, Immediate Past President of Toastmasters

    Meet Terry McCann, Executive Director of Toastmasters International

    Friday - 1:30 pm   Create, Communicate, Celebrate and Scavenger Hunt
                 4:00 pm   Toastmasters International and You
                 6:30 pm   Fun Nite

    Saturday - 8:15 am    Welcome/Keynote
                    9:00 am     Mind Mapping  /  The Difficult Toastmaster
                                     PRO Training / Newsletter Training
                    10:30 am   Articulate Leadership / Who Moved My Motion?
                    12 noon    All Conference Luncheon
                    1:30 pm    Division and Area Governor Training /Treasurer Training
                    1:45 pm    Lose the Notes / You Can Get Paid To Speak
                    2:00 pm    Judges and Contestants Briefing
                    2:45 pm    If Wishes Were Horses / How to Doctor Your Speech
                    4:00 pm    Business Meeting (Credentials closes @3:30pm)
                    5:00 pm    International Speech Contest
                    7:00 pm    Banquet/ Keynote

    See you there!

    Jean (aka Red Hot Mama) Riggs, DTM
    Past International Director
    Host Conference Chair

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman. © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International

Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL

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