JUNE, 2000


d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - June 1, 2000 

Understanding the Lead in Leadership
John Smelser, DTM, International Director from Region III
    by Glenn Barber, CTM, Area Y3 Governor, Above & Beyond

    Region 3 International Director John Smelser conducted  a workshop at the Spring Conference titled "Understanding The Lead in Leadership."

    John's humor and insight into leadership delighted a crowded room of present and future Toastmaster leaders.  He stated that a leader must be conservative with resources, watch the market (what is going on in your area of employment) and be mission focused. Then he explained that as leaders we must have the ability to plan, organize, implement and measure.  A successful leader does not lead by fear, threat or intimidation.  A true leader must be able to use "four" different styles of leadership at different times, depending upon the scenario, and be able to tell when to use which style.

          The different styles  he described are:

          Directive:  when one provides direction to someone whose willingness is strong but whose ability is not.
            Supportive and Directive:  provides direction and support to someone whose willingness and ability are not quite equal.
          Supportive:  a style where support is needed when necessary but direction is not.
          Non Directive and Non Supportive:  a style where those that under someone needs neither support nor direction as their ability and willingness are equal.

            By combining all four leadership styles and knowing when to use each will allow anyone of us to become more effective leaders.

    Glenn Barber, CTM (two speeches shy of an ATM), is the incoming VP Membership of Camelback and the incoming President of Above & Beyond, of which he is a charter member. Glenn has lived in Arizona for around 30 years and is a Traffic Specialist at Honeywell SSO.

John Smelser, DTM, International Director

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman. © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL