d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - June 1, 2000 

Making the Work Flow
Jeane Lasee, Agents Against Chaos 
    by Glenn Barber, Area Y4 Governor

    Do you ever get the feeling that there are never enough hours in the day?

    You never seem to get caught up.  You have too much stuff to do!  We all know stuff can get out of control.  Well, Jean Lasee in her 45 minute workshop at the Spring Conference, Making the Work Flow, showed an attentive audience how to change all of that. 

    She demonstrated how to put your "stuff" into a system-to-use to track and complete your tasks
    with minimal effort.  "Stuff" takes many different forms.  It can be physical or tangible things (memo or meeting agenda), electronic or computer input (e-mail), non physical (a new idea), or intangible input
    (an incoming call, etc.).

    Ms. Lasee showed those in attendance a successful workflow system that can help everyone bring their "stuff" under control and make all of us more productive.  The nice thing about the system is that it can be used by everyone everywhere whether at home or in the office.

    The system comprises of: 
          An In Box:  collection place
          Trash:  throw away "stuff"
          Tickler:  date specific files for tracking purposes
          Filing System:  info. for future use
          Calendar:  schedule for appointments, etc.
          Action Lists and Files:  must complete activities when time available.

    Contact Management:  paper or computer database containing pertinent business or personal info.  regarding contacts, etc.

    Project Planning:  a project is a series of actions that produce a specific outcome.

    By using this system we should all be able to have more time to do other "stuff" like attending Toastmaster Conferences.

    Glenn Barber, CTM (two speeches shy of an ATM), is the incoming VP Membership of Camelback and the incoming President of Above & Beyond, of which he is a charter member. Glenn has lived in Arizona for around 30 years and is a Traffic Specialist at Honeywell SSO.

Jean Lasee

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman. © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL

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