d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - May 1, 2000 

District Calendar
Spring Conference Pre-registration due 5/6/00 To Dan Winscot
Summer TLI Registration deadline TBD in May  
Spring Conference (El Zaribah Shrine Auditorium)
552 N. 40th St. in Phoenix
5/20/00 Bring club banners & district proxies
TLI Facilitator Training TBD Contact IPDG, Jodie Kay Petra 480.962.0679 for more info.
Summer TLI 6/10/00 Phoenix area
Summer TLI ­ LITE TBD  
Region III Conference (in Galveston, TX.) 6/16-17  
Outstanding TM of the Year applications.  7/10/00 Send to LGM Virginia Richtar
July Jubilee  7/29/00 Place TBD in Phoenix

Club Calendar
Club Officer Election Week 5/1/00 Appoint nominating committee early.
Regional & TI proxies mailed to D3 Governor Kelli McDoulett, please complete by this date. 5/5/00 Club President needs to mail as soon as they receive.
Club Officer elections complete 5/8/00  
Club Officer List due to AGs 5/17/00 Club President
Area Council Meetings monthly Jan ­ Jun 00 Pres/VPE/VPM
Outstanding TM of the Year nominations from every club 7/10/00 Send to LGM Virginia Richtar

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman. © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL

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